2011年6月20日 星期一

Tips to Stop Nasal Snoring

Not all snoring is the same. Nasal snoring or nose snoring is often used interchangeably with snoring in general, but they are different. Techniques that work with mouth snoring won't be effective to stop nasal snoring. If you've bought a chin strap to keep your mouth closed when you sleep and found that it didn't stop your snoring, you know what I mean.

Quite often, nasal snoring is caused by congestion brought on by allergies or a cold. It isn't a chronic condition. If this is the case, you can use nasal sprays and antihistamines to reduce the congestion and thus reduce the snoring.

Most cases of snoring, nasal or otherwise, are caused by restricted airflow. A device that has proven helpful in opening restricted nasal passages is a nasal separator. It fits into both nostrils and works by opening the nostrils and gently forcing them outward. This allows air to flow more freely through the nose, moderating or eliminating snoring.

If a nasal separator doesn't do the trick, a CPAP machine might. CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure. It provides mild pressure on the airway, keeping it from collapsing while you sleep. It has been very effective in treating sleep apnea, which is associated with snoring and which is also a significant health risk. The downside to a CPAP machine is that the user has to wear a mask while sleeping, and some find this uncomfortable.

Sometimes nasal snoring is caused by a deformity in the nose. Nasal polyps or a deviated septum can cause snoring from the nose. Such a diagnosis would require an examination by a qualified medical professional. In extreme cases, surgery may be recommended to clear the deformity and stop the snoring.

These are just a few tips to help you stop nasal snoring. The most important is to understand that nose snoring and mouth snoring are different. Once you know what causes your snoring, then you will be able to find the correct solution and enjoy the restful nights' sleep you need and deserve.

Get a free stop snoring mini-course, filled with tips and advice, at the Stop Snoring Center. For additional information on stop snoring aids, Click Here.

