2011年4月30日 星期六

Cure Sleep Apnea Without Cpap

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Contra La Ley De Dios [VHS]

Grammy winners and 10-time nominees BeauSoleil continue their scion-like march through the panorama of American music with Alligator Purse. Over the past 30-plus years, BeauSoleil has been the very heartbeat of Cajun music and culture, keeping it vital through not only their attention to tradition, but also through passionate and inventive experimentation. This time around these twin creative approaches combine yet again, manifesting themselves in some of music s most authentic and recognizable names.

On Alligator Purse BeauSoleil s fearless captain Michael Doucet leads the next installment of his musical journey along the lifeline of Cajun music, this time with an all star crew including Natalie Merchant ('Little Darlin'), Garth Hudson ('I've Spent All My Money Loving You'), John Sebastian, Roswell Rudd, Bill Keith and others. His notable friends help Doucet bring the rich folk traditions of south Louisiana into the 21st century through the genius interplay of a new take on Cajun favorites ('Marie') and the Cajunization of modern folk classics. A French language reworking of Bob Dylan s cover of Muddy Waters classic Rollin & Tumblin ('Rouler et Tourner') and J.J. Cale's 'The Problem' stand alongside Cajun and Creole history lessons like 'Reel Cajun (451 St. Joseph St.),' 'Les Oignons' and 'Theogene Creole,' originally sung for John and Alan Lomax s historic 1934 field recordings.

Alligator Purse is the funkiest history lesson ever created, a sweaty sweep through the lore of one of the most vital veins of America s musical heritage and a stark reminder that musical history is best served by a dance floor, not a museum.

Price: $9.95

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2011年4月29日 星期五

Sleep apnea and sleep with a CPAP mask

What is the sleep apnea?

The Greek word "apnea" literally means "without breath." Sleep Apnea is serious a sleep disorder that occurs when the breathing stops 10 seconds or longer during sleep. It can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on how many times per hour, the person stops breathing (apnea) or becomes very slow (hypopnea). Episodes of apnea may occur from 5 to 50 times per hour.

According to the national institutes of health (NIH) sleep apnea affects more than 12 million Americans. Due to the lack of public awareness, as well as the lack of awareness on the part of health care providers, but it is thought that most cases fail, despite the severity of the disorder and its effects.

There are three types sleep apnea: obstructive Sleep Apnea (axis), medium sleep apnea, (CSA) and mixed sleep apnea, (MSA). Axis is the most common type sleep apnea and causes blockage of the airway, usually when the soft tissue at the back of the throat collapses and closes during sleep. In the CSA airway are not blocked but the brain does not signal the muscles to breathe due to the instability in the respiratory control center. Mixed apnea is a combination of both.

What are the consequences?

Each type of apnea, the brain briefly arouses people, triggering the start breathing, which is fragmented, the poor and the quality of sleep. Sleep Apnea as a result, they may also cause poor performance in everyday activities, such as motor vehicles accidensa and school, work, and academic underachievement for children and adolescents.

If left untreated, Sleep Apnea may lead to the growing number of health problems including hypertension, stroke and heart failure, irregular heartbeats and heart attack. In addition to having memory problems, weight gain, headache, impotence may occur as a result of sleep apnea , if untreated.

Who's in danger?

Sleep Apnea can affect anyone at any age, even children, but risk factors include the following:

Being Overweight
Big neck size (17 inches or more women, or higher for men and 16 inches)
Male sex
After forty years
With a family history sleep apnea
African Americans, Hispanics, and Pacific Islanders have a higher risk sleep apnea than Caucasions. Moreover, African Americans tend to sleep apnea in younger age.
Women who have been following the move. After menopause, women at sleep apnea rate similar to that of men.
Conditions, which could cause head and face of anomalies, such as Marfan syndrome, and down syndrome.
Evaluated- If you believe that you have sleep apnea, please contact your insurance policy before the event, it may be necessary to obtain a reference to a sleep specialist from your primary care physician. It is also necessary to go into a test facility. Some insurance policies exclude coverage for the diagnosis and treatment disorder sleepand some cover the Permanent medical device and Diagnostics and treatment can be significant costs, usually over $ 1,000. Doctors who know sleep medicine may be pulmonologists (specializing in the lungs), neurologists (the brain), otolaryngologists (ear, nose and throat), Psychiatry (mental health), or primary care. Some doctors may be certified by the American Board of sleep medicine (ABSM)., or steps, which meet the requirements of this Council. In any case, you will probably also sleep Center. If your doctor does not refer you to a specific sleep Center, http://www.aasmnet.org/ you can visit for the latest list of accredited member sleep centers and laboratories.

In the Centre of sleep you can expect to undergo a sleep study, which uses several devices to record activity during sleep. In General, include the electroencelphalogram (EEG) to measure brain waves and electroculogram (EOG) to measure eye and Chin movement, how to track the phase of sleep. EKG (EKG) to measure heart rate and rhythm; chest bands to measure breathing movements and other monitors to sense oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood, as well as monitors to record leg movement. The device is not painful and there are no needles.

Treatment options:

In General, your doctor may prescribe lifestyle changes and therapy to CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), but surgery is a possibility, if they are not treatment to succeed. American Association of sleep apnea identifies the CPAP therapy as the most common treatment for the condition. CPAP therapy works to prevent the closure of the airway during sleep. It is managed by sleeping through the nasal or full face mask in place called Velcro straps around the heads of the patient. The mask is connected by a tube to the small air compressor. CPAP machine sends the air under pressure pipe and into the mask, where it supplies the Internet a positive pressure on the upper airways, prevents the tissues in the back of the neck by collapsing during sleep.

CPAP therapy can be an extremely effective form of treatment, but the biggest problem is the non-compliance. It was estimated that more than 65% of patients using the computer for a maximum of 4 hours per night, which should be used for the duration of the patient's sleep. In many cases, patients report using CPAP only a couple of nights of the week.

The discomfort is an important factor contributing to the non-compliance. During sleep the party or the stomach sleeping mask presses and rubbing the patient's face, which is a problem of great comfort and you can also distort, mask, leak and deepening the problem of non-compliance.

Visit the live Contour for more information on the bed and back wedges and better sleep solutions. The schedule is a leading brand in the ergonomics of the products specifically designed for comfort and support. Products include orthopaedic pillows, cushions, Chair pads, mattress pads and more. A new contour CPAP pillow provides better support for the therapy of sleep apnea.

Sleep can kill you?

To je v?decky dokazano, ?e p?ili? mnoho spanku nebo p?ili? malo spanku vas m??e zabit.

Re?im spanku je dobra v?c, pokud nebudete mit p?ili? mnoho nebo p?ili? malo. Kde jsme to sly?eli p?edtim - v?eho s mirou. Ale mysli?, ?e vic spanku by bylo dobry, proto?e je to nadherne, zejmena na de?tivy den.

Jsme se v?dy ?ekli, ?e dobry 8-10 hodin spanku ka?dou noc je po?adovano, a to je dobra v?c. To m??e byt dr?et nad v na?i pam?ti jako dit? na?i rodi?e cht?li jit do postele v 8 hodin byt odpo?ata ?koly dal?i den. V tomto p?ipad? ale nebavime se o p?stovani d?ti, ale zdrave dosp?le.

Jak zjistime ni?e z r?znych studii, dostat osm hodin spanku, m??e pro n?j byt ka?dou noc ?patne pro va?e zdravi. Podle udaj? ze studie II prevence rakoviny jednotlivci, kte?i pr?m?rn? sedm hodin spanku ka?dou noc maji ni??i umrtnost ne? ti kdo spat osm hodin. Tyto informace o spanku m??e pomoci najit n?jake rychle odpov?di na va? problem.

"Nejni??i [umrtnost] skupina skute?n? spal mezi ?esti a polovinu a? sedm a p?l hodiny," ?ekl Daniel F. Kripke, MD, profesorem psychiatrie na Kalifornske univerzit? v San Diegu. "Hlavni umrtnost riziko spojene s obvyklym spanku trvani je mezi dlouhou pra?ce, ktere myslim ty spat osm hodin. Mimochodem volani je dlouhy spanek je p?esna, proto?e z novych dat vime, ?e pr?m?rny Ameri?an v?edni spi asi ?est a p?l hodiny."

Tady je to trochu velice zajimave. P?emy?lejte o tom kolik ?asu, v pr?m?ru ve skute?nosti spi? za noc. Ignorujte no?ni strany, novorozence p?ipadna a ?eka se, a? va?e dospivajici dit? p?ijde ve t?i rano. Prav? se co si mysli?, ?e je va? pr?m?rny ?as na spani ka?dy den (nepo?itam ko?ka NAP - ty ve skute?nosti bylo zji?t?no prosp??ne - ale to je jiny p?ib?h).

OK - ma? svoje ?islo? Vysledky jsou.....

Dr. Kripke ?ika, z vysledk? studie, ?e jedinci, kte?i spali osm hodin za noc byly 12 % spi?e zem?it do ?esti let, ne? byly ty, kte?i spi sedm hodin. Nejvy??i umrtnost do?lo mezi mu?i a ?enami, kte?i spali vice ne? osm a p?l hodiny. Tato skupina m?la alespo? 15 % zvy?ene riziko smrti.

Spi p?ili? mnoho opravdu t? dat vy??i riziko dieing. Co za p?ili? malo spanku? Dr. Kripke ?ika, ?e co se ty?e kratky spanek, mu?i, kte?i spali men? ne? ?ty?i a p?l hodiny a ?eny, kte?i spali men? ne? t?i a p?l hodiny m?l take alespo? 15 % zvy?ene riziko smrti. Tato zji?t?ni p?edlo?il na 16. vyro?nim zasedani souvisejici Professional spanku spole?nosti.

Studium historie - Pro? tak dlouho v spi? vykazuje?

Data byla shroma?d?na americka spole?nost pro rakovinu v roce 1959 za prvni studii. P?edb??ne vysledky z teto studie, ?ika studie prevence rakoviny, byly publikovany v roce 1964. Studie v te dob? dosp?l k zav?ru, ?e do?lo k nejlep?i mira umrtnosti mu?? a ?en, kte?i spi sedm hodin ve?er. "Byl to velmi konzistentni a vyznamneho vysledku," ?ekl Dr. Kripke. V?ak poznamenal, "Tato studie neobdr?el velkou pozornost od Spole?enstvi spanku v dob?, proto?e byl publikovan v literatu?e rakovina."

P?vodni data byla reanalyzed v roce 1979 a opravit odebranim jine p?ispivajici faktory, jako by se v ka?de studie ?iroke ve?ejnosti. Dr. Kripke a kolegy zjistila, ?e nejni??i umrtnost v sedm hodin, n?ktere zvy?eni umrtnosti spojene s kratkymi spanku a je?t? prud?i nar?st dlouheho spanku. ?ekl, mnoho otazek z?stava tykajici se jine rizikove faktory, ktere nebyly brany v uvahu.

Aby se odpov?d?t na n?ktere ze zbyvajicich otazek a obavy ohledn? data a jeho vysledky, v roce 1982 zahajil Dr. Kripke novou studii. Byl to nazyvat II studie prevence rakoviny. Tato studie zpochybnila p?es 1 milion u?astnik? v?ku mezi 30 a 102 o jejich spanku trvani a ?etnosti nespavosti. U?astnici byly sledovany a v navaznosti byla provedena po ?ekaci obdobi ?esti let. Udaje, op?t jako v p?vodni studie, je? byla filtrovana eliminovat co nejvice dal?ich p?ispivajici faktory nejvice. To u?inila zna?ne usili, jak je vysv?tleno ni?e.

32. Rizikove faktory vyfiltrovany.

"V nove studii, byli jsme schopni ovladat sou?asn? pro 32 rizikovych faktor?," ?ekl. "To byl velmi velkou praci Cox proporcionalni nebezpe?i modely v milionu lidi s 32 covariates." Tyto faktory zahrnute, v?ku, rasy, vzd?lani, rodinny stav a r?zne zvyky a spanku trvani, nespavosta pra?ek na spani vyu?iti. Vy?et?ovatele rovn?? zkoumany prediktory zdravi jako diabetes a hypertenze, spolu s pou?itim lek?. "To byla vybrana ?aste?n? kv?li marginalnimi analyz," ?ekl Dr. Kripke. "Samoz?ejm?, studie bylo navr?eno p?edev?im se podivat na rakovinu predictors, tak nem?li ka?dou prom?nnou, ktera bychom mohli p?at," dodal.

Po studiu v?ech faktor?, Dr. Kripke ?ekl, ?e umrtnosti klesla. "Ovladaci prvek pro jine rizikove faktory, sni?uje riziko spojene s kratkymi spanek vic, ne? s dlouheho spanku," ?ekl. "Umrtnost zvy?i vyrazn?ji na del?i stran? ne? na kratke stran?". Dr. Kripke ?ekl, mirn? ni??i umrtnost na?li mezi ?enami spi ?ty?i hodiny na noc ne? mezi t?mi spat osm hodin, a?koli "pravd?podobn? vyznamn? tak".

Tak?e nem??e? spat - mo?na dobra v?c?

"Je to zvla?tni, jsme na?li umrtnost pom?r men?i ne? 1,0 s oznamenou rostouci Insomnie za m?sic," hlasil Dr. Kripke. "To znamena, ohlasil nespavost, kdy? jsme ovladali pro dal?i covariates, kte?i ?ili dele. "nevim, jestli v??im ?e je to spolehlive ochranny u?inek nespavosti, ale to je, jak udaje nazna?uji." Take za zminku, poznamenal, ?e "Kdy? jsme ovladali za dobu trvani spanku a nespavost, t?ch, kte?i ?ikali, ?e vzala pra?ky na spani m?l podstatn? vy??i umrtnost."

Dlouheho spanku - mo?na neni tak dob?e?

?ada dal?ich studii prokazaly obdobne vysledky tykajici se vy??i umrtnost mezi dlouhy spanek. Podle Dr. Kripke studie "pou?ivat ?adu technik m??eni comorbidity". "Uji??uji vas, ?e zvy?ene umrtnosti spojene s dlouheho spanku epizootologicky je velmi, velmi spolehlive zji?t?ni. U? je k dispozici v literatu?e od roku 1964 a proto?e pak nikdo nebyl schopen ud?lat studii, ktera by mohla vysv?tlit toto p?idru?eni podle komorbidit."

Shrnuti - spi? vice ne? 8 hodin denn? nebo men? ne? 4 hodiny denn?, s ne leka?sky p?ispivajici faktory, vas dat do hrobu mnohem d?ive, ne? si p?ejete.

Jsou ov??ene zp?soby, jak pomoci bojovat proti tomuto problemu. N?kolik jednoduchych navrhy jsou uvedeny ni?e:

1. Sni?eni kofein. Jednodu?e ?e?eno, kofein m??e vas udr?et vzh?ru. M??e z?stat v t?le dele, ne? si myslite, ?e u?inky kofeinu m??e trvat a? osm hodin vyprchavat. Tak?e pokud jste vypit ?alek kavy v odpolednich hodinach a stale odkladaji v noci, kofein m??e byt d?vod. Kon?im kofein alespo? ?ty?i a? ?est hodin p?ed spanim pom??e usnout, snaz?i.

2. Nepij alkohol jako spanek. Alkohol m??e pomoci zpo?atku vam usnout, ale rovn?? zp?sobuje poruchy spanku za nasledek men? klidny spanek. Alkohol pit, p?ed spanim m??e zvy?it pravd?podobnost ?e se probudi? b?hem noci.

3. Klid p?ed spanim. Stres neni jen t? bavi, to p?sobi paseku jak mezi na spani. Vyvinout n?jaky druh pre-sleep ritualu, p?eru?te spojeni mezi stresem a spat cely den. Tyto ritualy mohou byt nejkrat?i 10 minut nebo tak dlouho, jako za hodinu.

Pokud nem??ete spat a pot?ebujete n?co d?lat, a co takhle nakupovat? Jit do kuchyn? pomoci blender

JT je vyvoja?, investor? a in?enyr. Nav?tivte tento web na adrese http://www.kitchenaidblender.org

2011年4月28日 星期四

Why sleeping pills?

Difficulty in sleeping? Solution are sleeping pills. Although many people turn to pills, when insomnia suffer may actually have negative side effects and can be addictive and less efficient over time.

Article in the New York Times, 23. October 2007 revealed some disturbing results of the research. Viewed as a group, sleeping pills to improve in time to sleep 12.8 minutes compared with fake pills and the total time you really sleep on 11.4 minutes per night.

So why are they so popular? Two comments exactly this article us some clues. Firstly, most of the pills are working on the same brain receptors as drugs for the treatment of anxiety disorder-they could feel better sleep. And secondly, the effect of the anterograde amnesia (problems are memories while under the influence of drugs, sleep), which means in the morning, maybe that you forgot you had trouble sleeping. I should wake up the phone?

Sleeping pills, which are addictive

Most of the pills are addictive. Many people want to get out of the sleeping pills lead a normal life, but when they try, they may suffer terrible withdrawal symptoms, such as the repetition of bad sleep patterns, anxiety, shaking or panic and generally miserable. If you are already dependent on sleeping pills, it is important to talk with your doctor and take them off carefully and with the help of.

That addictive drugs means that they become less effective over time, which means that higher doses are required only to obtain the same effect.

For more information online, see the work and the Web page of Professor C.H. Ashton on benzodiazepines. Joan e. Gadsby, author of the dependence of prescription, its 18 years of fighting to withdraw from the drugs challenge recently sent a letter to President Obama.

Sleeping pills may cause drowsiness

Drowsiness, when you want to sleep may seem like a good thing, but if you have to lead a normal life and go to the activities of the day, in fact, it may be a problem. People who take sleeping tablets often discover that they are also very sleepy this morning and it may cause difficult or even dangerous for them to their normal activities, such as driving, operating machinery, etc.

Sleeping pills may cause harm to nocturnal activity

If you are on the pills and you need to get in at night to the bathroom or do whatever else may be in trouble. Pills tend to clumsy and confused and may be dangerous and cause you to hurt yourself over the falls. This is particularly dangerous for the elderly, who may be more likely to fall and break a bone.

Sleeping pills are blamed for special events

An article published in The Sun-Herald 10. May 2009 highlighted this controversial pill was the number one drug, reported the national line in Australia for adverse side effects from drugs. Call on adverse events of 1669 Online medicine from September 2007 to February 2009 12 percent (196) is related to the particular pill-so is by far the most watched medicines that line, an Australian national prescribing service, and the Mater Hospital in Brisbane. Other studies confirming reports of abnormal behavior is a report published in April 2009 in Australia and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry as a sleep walking and eating during sleep. And sleep walking has been associated with higher likelihood of overweight or obese.

What are the alternatives?

As we already said, pills are not the answer, but what else can be used if you have trouble sleeping? The first thing is to consider what may be the cause of your insomnia. There are many reasons why people cannot sleep and that include anxiety, stress, was able to turn off at the end of the day, food intolerance, toxic relationships, and environment, the work unfulfilling, prescription and non-prescription medication use, disturbing (including finan?nizdravi, family matters)-and many others.

Insomnia is a symptom of something else. To get to the bottom of the "something else" is a challenge. Sometimes it's easy, for example, if it's just a matter of relaxation at the end of the day. Sometimes it is more difficult-if it is related to the trauma of childhood, etc.

The good news is that there are many technologies for solving the problem, of course.

Include cognitive behavior therapy (C.B.T), emotional freedom techniques (E.F.T), Neuro training, relaxation (yoga, meditation, etc.), the brain releases (some types of music, Theta metronomes, etc.), kinesiology, nutrition, exercise, herbs, and other additions, food intolerance and allergy, aromatherapy, sleep in a beda life changing decision to carry out his life, other changes in lifestyle and excellent books on specific topics (e.g. wisdom in post-menopausal women, from Dr. Christiane Northrup) in jail.

Solution are sleeping pills. May be a popular way to try and of insomnia axle, but are not that effective and can be addictive, and sometimes dangerous. Most of all, that address the root problem that caused insomnia your in the first place-and this is the place where lies the real solutions.

CEO Shannon Elizabeth, author, lecturer.

Elizabeth research of sleep and sleep disorders for more than 10 years. Expert interviews and reviews of successful case studies to identify and report on the natural solution for insomnia. Completely without the use of drugs. The information is out there, it's hard to find in between babble about sleep-so much noise that keeps us awake.

At SleeplessNoMore dot com, the website of the Office that provides information and solutions in the following areas: children, herbs, adolescents, ADHD, sadness, depression, sleep apnea, tinnitus, anxiety and phobias, aromatherapy, melatonin, sleeping pills, side effects of prescription and non-prescription medication, food additives, which should be illegal, startling statistics, ways to relax, to help the next day after the night before, cognitive behavioral therapy, emotional freedom techniques, kinesiology, etc, etc.

* Seize the opportunity to register for an upcoming, free webinar series "sleeping with The experts" from June 2009.
* Receive a free CD of experts interview with Andrew Verity (the world of Neural training founder) (Australian only for hotel guests).
* Find out how to stop your partner about the disagreement of wit, bed covering you need.

All of this on the http://www.sleeplessnomore.comSleeplessNoMore,

2011年4月27日 星期三

Are you willing to take advantage of the natural sleep solution to help in the treatment of sleep problems?

When was the last time you woke up, feeling that he enjoyed the best quality sleep of your life? Due to stress, that we can meet on a daily basis, it is possible that sometimes you have sleepless nights. If you're like me, you probably wondered how could use natural sleep help you sleep better. You already know that it's not healthy to have sleep problems after a long period of time. At its worst, chronic sleep deprivation can begin, will not affect your physical health. Lack of sleep linked to increased risk of heart disease, depression, obesity and even cancer! Believe me, if you want to stay healthy, you must have a lot of sleep.

I hate it when it is all the more important it is to sleep, the harder it is for her? If you have chronic problems or insomniasleep, there are so many sleep AIDS that will help you find the rest, so you can live as a healthy lifestyle. Rather than resorting to those pills, which you can easily buy over the counter, doctors advise, it's a place for natural sleep aid. These types of sleep AIDS are usually more effective to help you that healthy sleep routine. In addition, aid is not habit forming sleep would also allow absolved of drug-dependent, too.

What are the common sleep Aids on the market?

Sleep Apnea Mask-if you realize how snoring, gasping for breath, stop breathing during the night, Sleep Apnea mask may be a cure for you. These masks to force air through your airways, you good night rest, but also potentially life saving help.

Sleep mattress-it may be a better mattress that you need. Is your legacy? It's too hard or not hard enough? Mattresses should be replaced at least every ten years. Given the amount of time spent in my life, lying on the mattress you can consider an increase in investment in buy high-quality mattresses.

Sleep medicine-there are various prescribed and the counter sleeping aids in medicinal form, which helps you sleep all night. Start with over the counter version and if it is not effective only as a last resort, ask your doctor what remedies may be available.

The sleeping hypnosis Aids hypnosis -is used to treat all types of disorders including insomnia,. It is not in a trance where you control, but you'll learn how to relax into a State of calm and rest. The most convenient way to use this support sleep is Hypnotherapy to purchase or subliminal CD, which you can play when you go to bed.

Alternative therapies insomnia health-may include cognitive behavioral therapy, exercise, dietary changes, exercise, meditation, chromatherapy, relaxation, bright light therapy, acupuncture, dietary supplements, and a selection of herbal products.

Herbal sleep aid-can be used to treat your problem in my sleep. Sleeping herbal solutions are known to promote rest and relaxation. Can be as simple as a Lavender smell around you as you try to get into a deep sleep.

It is one of the most commonly used herbal sleep aid Valerian. It is a herb used around the world and can be easily used in pharmacies. Has a calming effect, which allows you to easily doze off to bed. Another advantage is Valerian that use is not experience any nausea or feeling groggy in the morning, unlike conventional drugs. In addition, Valerian is also support for the sleep is not habit forming or without addicting.

In addition to the Valerian is another herbal sleep aid melatonin. It's actually a hormone, which is naturally in the body. A man must take Melatonin at least 30 to 40 minutes prior to their needs. But not all, who have the problem of sleep may take Melatonin. This includes those who have autoimmune disease, depression and heart. In addition, pregnant women , as well as those who are breast feeding or nursing shall not use Melatonin as it.

On the Web I found the next day were also recipes for refreshing beverages before bedtime and classic comfort food you sleep better at night. This site has hundreds of home remedies and natural sleep aid tips compiled by Helene Malmsio, who Insomnia own use herbal therapies, and home remedies that she explored. This site also has lots of articles about rational behavior modification and simple Sleep hygiene rituals to fix common with disorder sleep, including conditions such as pregnancy insomniais.

Good night rest is important for you to achieve today. I don't want to put up your brain is in cloudlike fog where not thinking clearly enough, deciding what treatment is best for you-in your hands today and try out the various methods listed above to see what is right for you.

TIRED OF FEELING TIRED? We know that life can get you. Too much stress. Too much pressure. But it may not be so! Finally, a web site that is dedicated to help you help yourself. FREE OF CHARGE! Take a look at our free guide to the best health natural sleep aid tips and sources of domestic drug-all with a view to help you better and BE healthier today! Help is at hand.

http://www.The Sleep-Aid-tips.com/Sleep-Aid-tips-Insomnia-cures-Sleeping-Again.html

How sleep undesirable kilograms

Common sense would suggest that the formula for weight control is very simple: eat more calories than zakodovala and weight should remain the same. Eat less calories you not heal, eat more calories and you gain. Many people make sure that burns calories by going to the gym, or that engage in sports activities.

Michael Thorpy, m. d., Director of the Center for sleep disorders and the awakening of Montifiorovi Medical Center in New York City, offers amazing alternative activity, which may be just the ticket for the loss of some of the unwanted pounds: he sleeps! That's right! Some researchers say sleep that obtaining the correct quantity of decent sleep will support efforts to lighten the load, the skeleton.

The Lancet, one of the oldest peer-reviewed medical journals, published a study carried out by the University of Chicago in 1999, which related sleep disorders, such as the limited sleep about four hours in a period of six nights with the affected negatively the metabolism and endocrine function.

Metabolism is a term used to describe the efficiency of the processing of food in the body, and endocrine functions are involved with the regulation of metabolic processes.

Journal of the American Medical Association also got into the Act of examining affects sleep on hormonal functioning. They found that the age-related changes in sleep were associated with hormonal changes. Endocrine system includes structures that regulate the production of hormones. This study of the relation of its conclusions with The Lancet research and found that the restless sleep patterns adversely affect hormonal functions effectively.

The human body is largely regulated by circadian rhythms. Dr. Joyce Walsleben is Director of the Center for sleep disorders at the New York School of Medicine and author of the manual and the women to sleep: a guaranteed solution for a good night's rest. He writes: "when the disrupt, interfere with hormones, becoming glucose intolerant, you want to eat more and metabolism in animal you or what you eat."

Young people can obtain on little sleep, or at the time to sleep at all because they are often without sleep activity that burns calories. This leads To thinking that sleep is not so important, but as soon as we get a little older, it is clear that we must plan our lives around good sleeping habits, in order to function effectively in our living world.

What's keeping you from a good night's sleep and the release of those extra pounds?
There are many reasons that contribute to good sleep. The main cause of depression. Depression is not well understood by most people, although many people suffer from not withstanding. Depressed people often cannot turn their negative thoughts and it distorts their sleeping habits. There are many precursors into full blown diagnosis of depression, which also negatively interfere with sleep patterns.

Things such as stress, anxiety, reprocessing, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, encouraging, such as pills, and so on. What should also be considered as are environmental factors such as light and excessive noise. Your body is light receptors in the skin and in the light of these receptors signal in the brain that is not the time to sleep. However, it seems that some day the sleepers and light exposure must not hinder their sleep.

Some people will use substances such as alcohol, drugs or, rather, to sleep, however, are not good solutions. Is there a dynamic revival influence that will interfere with the chemically induced sleep. This reflection effect comes into play in a few hours after falling asleep after drinking in this relaxing drink. Alcohol or other sleeping disappear agent and the person wakes up and will have even more problems with falling asleep. In addition, if alcohol or other means, or 8 hours of sleep, you wake up, in all likelihood very tired and not update because important dream phase or deep sleep phase was a conflict with.

It is interesting that until very recently, it was known that the lack of sleep would cause all kinds of behavioural and emotional problems, exactly why that was so, remain a mystery. Some of the studies mentioned, here are some that will lead to resolving this ambiguity.

The question to be answered: How can we ensure O'neill?
First, make sure that there are no medical reasons that contribute to sleep. If there are health reasons, make sure that these problems are properly treated. It also applies To all existing psychological problems.

One method to ensure reliable sleep patterns is to make sure that the sleep regularly in the same time every day. It is to go to sleep at the same time and at the same time every day. If you wake up in 6 hours on weekdays, sleep on the weekends. To obtain the same amount of sleep each night. Find out how much sleep suits you best. Don't take NAPS during the day, if it is not a regular habit. When adopting action plans to ensure that more more than 30 minutes at the most. 15 to 20 minutes are well known power nap times.

It is also important that your sleeping space in a special place. It must be safe, special place only sleep or sex. The bedroom should serve as your Office/living/kitchen/dining room/etc.

Quiet room. The dark and cold and just go to bed when you are sleepy.
And then there is exercise. All you've heard it so many times, and he rises to power always seems to be almost impossible. It is the inherent paradox of exercises and both are good! First of all the exercise gives you more energy. That's right, work, and you feel better and more energized. On the other hand beat your body physically will enhance your sleep!

Get rid of unwanted thoughts that to sleep. Easier said than done? Well, Yes and no. one "trick", has shown many people write their unwanted thoughts. On one side of the paper, left, make a note of the problems that are interfering with sleep. On the right side of the paper note of possible solutions. This exercise helps to give, what do you mean outside of you. Studies have also shown that this technique is often used by people who are in the solution of commercial problems, is known as the incubation of your dreams. In this way the dreams of the problem/s, and in their dreams, to find a solution.

Great dreams is that anything is possible, and new ideas can be explored, leading to possible remedies.

And finally: don't bother to get some sleep. If you can't sleep, get up. Do something relaxing as read. Watching TV is not appropriate, because it tends to stimulate the system too much. Stay awake until the eyes close involuntarily. Don't look at the clock, take your focus away from sleep.

Dr. Rene Hollander is the author of how to sleep from the unwanted pounds. Http://www.body-philosophy.netwrites for

In addition, they spend their time and research to improve health.

2011年4月26日 星期二

List of sleep disorders

Sleep disorders is characterized as a disruption in time, quality, quantity or behavior associated with sleep. The average length of time an individual sleeping vary, but most adults on average seven to nine hours, at night. Not only is the important amount of sleep, but the quality of sleep is also important. People have to sleep in order to think clearly and respond quickly to everyday situations.

There are five phases of the cycle of normal human sleep.

Stage 1 occurs when the individual is going to sleep, and is considered the NREM (-rapid eye movement sleep). About 5 percent of the phase 1 is represented in the time of normal adults sleep.

Phase 2 marks the beginning of actual sleep. About 50 percent of the phase 2 is represented in the time of normal adults sleep.

Stage 3 and stage 4 is the highest level of sleep. About 10-20 per cent of the phase 3 and 4 shall be represented at the time of normal adults sleep.

Phase 5 is sleep REM (rapid eye movement). About 20-25 per cent of phase 5 is shown in normal adults sleep.

Here is a list of different types of sleep problems that exist:

Insomnia -an individual has difficulty falling asleep or remaining asleep.

Hypersomnia-individual experience episodes of drowsiness or extended
to sleep at night.

Narcolepsy is a chronic trypanosomiasis and chronic neurological disorder, which is caused by the inability of an individual brain regulate your sleep-wake cycle correctly.

Restless legs syndrome-neurological disorder, that is where an individual experiences an uncomfortable feeling on the leg (such as creepy or tugging sensation).

Sleep Apnea -occurs when an individual has one or more pauses in breathing during sleep.
Breathing pauses seconds or minutes depending on the seriousness of the individual sleep apnea.

Other issues include the sleep of mental disorders (depression or anxiety), or existing health conditions such as Parkinson's disease, the onset of Huntington's disease, encephalitis, or thyroid disease.

Not everyone with disorder sleepconnected with the medical condition or disorder. Individuals may also experience nightmares, night terrors and sleepwalking, teeth grinding, which are also considered with sleep disorder.

Emotional, environmental, or physical changes may also cause sleeping problems. Changing jobs, moving to a new House, financial problems and illness of a family member or death may result with sleep disorder.

Withdisorder sleepmay be caused by medications such as Antihistamines (used to treat allergies) or Corticosteroids (used to treat cancer), which can affect the central nervous system and cause an individual experience, I can't sleep. A common cause of sleep disorders is the individual with sleep problems caused by the consumption of caffeine or alcohol.

There are also work-related problems that may cause sleep disorderswith-in addition to the most common work-related problem, that is stress. An individual who travels a lot, you may experience the relaxed time change. An individual who works shift work may also occur, with disorder sleep, when switching from one shift to another.

Individual sleeping measures can also contribute to sleep disorders. For example, an individual who shares sleeping space with individuals who snores can strongly contribute to the sleep disorders.

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2011年4月25日 星期一

How to get a good night sleep with arthritis

So, what can you do?

There are a few general principles for getting a good night's sleep that applies to everyone. But, if you have arthritis, you have to be sure that it is well controlled, that's the first step. You should make sure that your doctor is working with you to resolve any problems related to your condition that is affecting your sleep. Your doctor may decide to switch your medications or instruct you to take them at different times of the day. I have taken my medications the same way for over four years and decided to use Google medical profile to keep track of my medical conditions and medications. Wow! Was I surprised to find out that the way I was taking them was wrong. I had four of the seven that inter acted with each other and that would cause some of the symptoms I was having. I switched the times I take them and now I've noticed a change in my pain levels, and my fatigue levels, for the better. Also, if pain is keeping you awake, it certainly makes sense to try and time your pain medicine so that it works for you at night. While arthritis makes getting a good night sleep more difficult, a good night's sleep can minimize arthritis pain and make it more manageable.

You won't want to leave the work of controlling your arthritis to just medicine alone. You can use other strategies besides medicines for controlling nighttime pain. You can take a warm shower or bath before you go to bed to reduce pain and make sleep easier. If there is a problem with one joint then you can try using a warm, moist heating pad or ice pack for 15 - 20 minutes before bed. You might want to try doing gentle stretching, relaxation, or guided imagery exercises before going to bed will also help you to sleep better at night as well. You do want to remember though that you shouldn't exercise to close to bedtime, because it can actually make it more difficult to fall asleep. I've read several articles that say not to exercise 2 hours before bedtime.

Here are six other ways to make sure you get a good night sleep.

1. A great bed. A comfortable bed is a must and fortunately there are many new mattresses and mattress additions on the market that can make your bed more comfortable. You could use a bed board, which is placed under the mattress and can help make a soft and saggy mattress more supportive. This is important for those of you with back problems. You could add an inexpensive foam egg-crate pad or a more expensive pillow-top mattress pad can make a saggy mattress feel just like new. You can buy a new pillow-top mattress or a Sleep Number mattress and who knows, you may enjoy the Sleep Number mattress because you and your partner can each adjust your own side of the mattress to your preference. The mattress is so easy to use that if you start feeling uncomfortable during the night all you have to do is adjust with a push of a button. Have you ever tested one of these mattresses? They are fabulous! For those of you who like mattresses that can change positions at the head or the knee, you might want to try an adjustable bed that is just like the traditional hospital bed that can be bought for your home. The costs for all of these items can vary widely, so make sure you try the less expensive options first.

2. Perfect pillows. It is very important to find a pillow that is comfortable for you, so investigate the material, thickness, and firmness of any pillows you buy. Sometimes snoring is a symptom of a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. If you already have back and neck pain you might want to consider a cervical pillow. A cervical pillow supports your neck and also your head, and allows your head, neck and spine to remain in proper alignment, which can help to decrease your pain. When you have lower back pain, lying on your back and placing one or two pillows under your knees so that they are slightly bent will help support your back. You can also purchase a foam wedge that does the same thing. If you have knee problems, you should avoid sleeping with with a pillow under your knees so your knees are bent. This may increase knee stiffness and make it more difficult for you to straighten you knees. Putting a pillow under your entire leg helps as well. Putting a pillow between your knees as you lie on your side helps maintain back alignment, which can reduce hip and back pain. There again, there is a special pillow is for this purpose. Another helpful pillow is the dual position bed wedge, which can be used both for sleeping and in a different position, for reading or watching TV. You can find specialized pillows at medical supply stores and on the Internet.

3. Bed equipment. Some people with arthritis or fibromyalgia are bothered by heavy covers that press down on their feet at night. There is something called an adjustable blanket support that can keep your covers off sore feet and ankles and makes it easier to turn and change position without disrupting your sleep. The supports can attach easier on the sides or foot of a bed. You can also purchase sheets made of satin or another smooth material that can make it easier and less painful to turn over in bed. Partial side railing that anchor by sliding under the mattress to keep them in place are made to adjust in four positions and you can use the railing to help you turn over more easily during the night.

4. Other strategies. The best environment for sleep is one that is cool, dark, and quite. Is your sleeping environment this way? This is the only way I can get to sleep and stay that way. This is sometimes easier said than done but ear plugs or sleep machines can help with outside commotion and with noisy sleeping partners. Sleep machines create what is called "white noise" that drowns out other sounds. Weight and alcohol in the evening can contribute to snoring so if you lose weight and avoid the alcohol your snoring will go away. You see the alcohol will relax the muscles in the throat and cause your snoring. There are some people that like to use special tape on the nose to open up the nasal passages during sleep, although there is little hard evidence that this works. If your nasal passages are swollen because of allergies, be sure to ask your doctor whether it's okay for you to take allergy medicine to reduce the swelling and this will help reduce your snoring. Sometimes snoring is a symptom of a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. Here's some more good strategies for getting a good night's sleep; go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning, even on weekends. Use your bedroom only for sleeping and sex, don't watch TV or read. If your partner snores or moves all over the place and you can't find any other way of dealing with the problem, you might want to move to another room.

5. Are you the type of person who has no trouble going to sleep but you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep? If you are walking up to go to the bathroom, you might want to think about not drinking whatever you're drinking, a few hours before you go to bed. If you wake up and are upset or worrying, you can try to top the upsetting thoughts by using a technique called progressive relaxation, in which you relax each muscle in your body, one at a time. To do this, first tighten all the muscles in your face for several seconds and then release them. Work from the top to the bottom, tightening and relaxing the muscles in each area of your body until you reach your feet. Concentrate on the relaxation process rather than on the fact that you are upset because you are awake. For me, I have a busy mind and will wake up thinking about what I needed to do tomorrow. My doctor gave me the term "busy mind". I now do a brain dump. I write down everything going on in my mind, everything I have to do, phone calls to make, or if there is just something that's bothering me. This technique works great for me. I no longer have a busy mind.

6. Foods and medicines. Did you know that the medicines you take and the foods you eat can cause sleep problems or at least make them worse. Prednisone and other corticosteroid drugs, which people with inflammatory arthritis often take, can cause sleeplessness. Other medicines that can do this are decongestant and some blood pressure drugs, can cause sleep problems, also. If you think that a drug is causing your sleep problems, check with your doctor or pharmacist. Here are some more drugs that cause problems with your sleep; caffeine, nicotine, and amphetamines, these are all stimulants. You may want to try reducing your intake of caffeine from coffee, tea, energy drinks, or soda to one cup or glass a day, preferably before 5 pm. Others have to stop drinking these drinks altogether, and don't forget that there are some headache reliever, such as Excedrin, that may contain caffeine. You should also avoid alcohol before bed if sleep is a problem, because alcohol does more than make you snore, it can suppress deep sleep and REM sleep. Do you remember hearing about drinking heated milk at bedtime? Well it really can help some people relax and get to sleep faster. Sleeping Pills. Hopefully the change in your sleep habits, sleep environment, and behavioral strategies will do the trick, there are also medicines that can help you sleep. Most experts believe, however, that these drugs should only be used short-term or as a last resort, because they are not risk-free. Some people try over-the-counter sleeping pills. These pills usually contain an antihistamine. These drugs are not recommended for long-term use and can interfere with alertness during the day. They often reduce the quality of your sleep, and you may quickly develop a tolerance for then. Check with your doctor before taking these. Sleep medicines your doctor might prescribe include olpidem tartrate (Ambien CR), zalepion (Sonata), and eszopiclone (Lunesta), all of which works in a different way; also there is ramelteon (Rozerem). Tranquilizers such as fluraepam (Dalmane), temaepam (Restoril) and estazolam cause drowsiness. They tend to be effective for only a few weeks and then they can lead to drug dependence. Some antidepressants, such as trazdone, are used for sleep problems. The tricyclic antidepressants, which include amitriptyline, can, when taken in small dose, help a person obtain deep, restorative sleep. They are often prescribed for people with fibromyalgia. Benadryl, an antihistamine, can help people relax and is available over the counter, sometimes in combination with Tylenol (Tylenol PM). Most of these medicines are used to help with short-term sleep problems, but some people do take them regularly.

7. If you and your doctor have tried all the strategies described here and nothing seems to help it's possible that not all of your sleep problems are caused by arthritis or the other common causes of sleep difficulties. You might have an underlying sleep disorder. Examples of sleep disorders are sleep apnea ( in which you stop breathing temporarily while you sleep), narcolepsy (in which you skip the non-REM stages of sleep and go straight to REM sleep), and restless legs syndrome (unpleasant sensations in the legs while you are at rest). You might want to go to a doctor who specializes in sleep disorders or even to a sleep center, where doctors can observe your sleep to better diagnose your problem.

I've tried some of these sleep aids with no success. I've tried Ambien and it did the opposite to me, it kept me awake. Not only that, but the reports of sleep walking and driving while taking Ambien came out. That made it a no brainier for me to stop. Then there was Trazadone. That one worked for a while but about every year I had to have the dose increased. Then one day I had ran out and wasn't able to get my prescription and when I was finally able to go and get it, I had a panic attack on the way home from the pharmacist and got a speeding ticket. I got off of it real quick. I've even taken an all-natural sleep aid called Midnight, and it would put me to sleep giving me about two hours of sleep but then I would wake up. I take amitriptyline now and I've had excellent results with it. I take it about two hours before I go to bed and as soon as the lights go out I am asleep.

Angela Carter is owner of Coastal Computerized Information Services in Savannah, GA. Visit her website at http://www.ccis.web.officelive.com

You should read as much as you can about your condition. If you want to know more about coping with a chronic condition, try the books listed below.

Further Reading

Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired Living with Invisible Chronic Illness, by Paul J. Donoghue and Mary E. Siegel

The Chronic Illness Workbook Strategies and Solutions for Taking Back Your Life, by Patricia A. Fennell

After the Diagnosis From Crisis to Personal Renewal for Patients With Chronic Illness, by JoAnn LeMaistre

Celebrate Life New Attitudes for Living With Chronic Illness, by Kathleen Lewis

The test while you rest

When a Doctor suspected in a patient with sleep disorders have, the next step is usually to send the patient to sleep.

This diagnostic test, also called polysomnograph, monitors several physical and physiological parameters when the patient is asleep for a period of one night.

The most comprehensive survey monitors the patient s brain waves, heart and rhythm, movement of the eye, the airflow, Chin Tonus, thorax and abdomen, leg movement, flow, and the rate of oxygen saturation.

Earlier studies sleep only can be carried out in sleep labs in medical centres, where a technician will monitor their sleep throughout the night.

Dzulkarnean (left) adjusts the system diagnostic sleep on Aida to ensure loosen and remove that he will not tray with cables. Hidden are Thanapalan (striped shirt) and sales manager Goodlabs Medical Imm Meng low.

However, the availability of smaller and more mobile enabled patients to undergo the test in the comfort of their own homes.

Metro on Sunday reporter Aida Ahmad had the experience of undergoing a study home sleep, Philips healthcare through their Malaysian Distributor, Goodlabs medical Sdn Bhd.

She shares her experience below:

When I knew that he will participate in the study of sleep, and he was actually excited and was looking forward to it.

In addition I hadn t been Sleeping well, so this opportunity to learn more about why I was so sleep deprived was too good to miss. At the beginning was I said would require me connected to the computer and electrodes, while technicians sleep, how they are named, will monitor My brain waves and sleep in the sleep laboratory.

A little too close, convenience, I thought, but I don't want to be Guinea on behalf of the science.

The sleep study is research, which records the various functions of the body during sleep. Instead of carrying out research in the laboratory, technicians decided that it would be better to keep it in place, which would be more comfortable for me, my home. After all it was sleep study, and a conducive environment was necessary to achieve proper results.

During the day and was given specific instructions by the Executive Board of the company, which distributes the device, called the Alice PDx Sleep diagnostic system. As I was supposed to be hooked up at 9.30 pm, special instructions were applicable on the day of the survey of the House of sleep.

One did not NAP, the consumption of coffee, tea, or carbonated drinks, chocolates or any sleep aid (ie nasenne, sedatives, etc), wear any body tanning, face cream, make-up, jewellery, acrylic nails or nail.

So I wear fresh after the shower and in my comfortable sleep. There were three people who came to my house one sleep technique and two executives from distribution companies, Goodlabs medical Sdn Bhd.; Although usually only one technique is to create a sleep on the client (s) of origin. I was also, that gadget used to assess all relevant tasks was the same size of the MP3 player with several cables to boot.

Trying to fall asleep diagnostic (OBD) systems.

I was wrong.

In a black gift box (similar to laptop bags) was the main gadget, sort of like a mini computer stores and logs data in a memory card.

Then unpack wires and electrodes (which had to be stuck on his head), gels glue, sensors, and bands go on one of my fingers index, chest and nose.

After a short briefing about the procedure, I began to wonder what I got myself into.

Unfortunately, it was too late to run far, far away, and with and lata?a me.

Sleep technician, Mohamad Dzulkarnean Mohamad Haniffa, told me the first time, where seven electrodes will be appended to the head. The entire procedure is actually painless. To attach the electrodes, had to use the cleaning Paste (such as scrub facial) to clean the surface of the rear part of My scalp and My forehead. Then the electrodes were dipped in a temporary adhesive Paste and placed on his head.

About thirty minutes later, with seven electrodes on the head and two small sensor pads on my chest attached to the harness color, myself and was part of the experiment for cloning human beings.

Then came the two teams, which are attached to my chest and waist to measure My breathing effort.

Finally, it was connected with the temperature sensor to monitor the flow of air on my nozdrzy and mouth.

Took about an hour to include everything, and when I looked at me in the mirror, I think I really can scare the staff in the Embassy.

So what is one supposed to after that?

Sleep it would be appropriate response. But actually, you can watch TV, read a book or just lie in BED until you fall asleep.

Don t worry, if you need to get up and use the bathroom in the middle of the night. But convenience s sake, try not to drink too much water before the procedure.

There is a way to interact with the device should get up in the middle of the night. There is a button you can press Pause, it doesn t stop data input.

Within the meaning of heading, try not to roll on Your stomach, for obvious reasons.

I slept quite well, must say, in spite of all the wires and the fear that one or two may get entangled or had with the device.

When I woke, he had about 10 minutes to stop yourself from pora?ania medical research or the electrodes and the bands of the sensor.

Device with all accessories, equipment was then picked up by Goodlabs Medical business manager (sleep and ventilation Homecare) b. Thanapalan back to Microsoft for analysis and production of the final report.

Fortunately, the results, which came back a few days later, showed nothing abnormal. So can I simply have been deprived of sleep, because sleep is a low priority for me. I know better now! ?

Related Story:
Sleep interrupted

View the original article here

2011年4月24日 星期日

Twelve ways to conquer the sleep disorders

Wake up refreshed in the morning without the use of the clock and feel energetic all day? If not, be enough (adults must be between 7,5-8,5 hours sleep at night) or perhaps you suffer from sleep disorder sleep , which affects 60 million Americans insomnia.: You have insomniato, you may be having trouble getting to sleep, waking up too early, waking during the night and went to bed, or un-refreshing sleep. During the day you may have trouble concentrating or feel sleepy, tired or agitated.

Obviously a significant life stress (loss of job or a loved one, divorce, or movement), disease or environmental factors (noise, change of bed, the night side of the neighbor 's) may lose their normal sleep schedule and health (depression, heartburn, rakovinaastma, arthritis, etc.) insomnia , it may cause. As soon as these situations resolve themselves, should improve your sleep plan. However, if these problems are not present, and still can't sleep, maybe some of the routines of your day and night, they contribute to your insomnia. Food, environment and routine are the three areas that commonly affect the sleeping success. Here are some healthy tips that many experts agree, can improve the quantity and quality of your sleep.

1. don't go to bed hungry! Light, an early lunch or snacks, but prevent the light before going to bed, to bed with a full stomach may disrupt sleep. Warm milk, milk products, carbohydrates and foods high in tryptophan (amino acids) like Turkey or bananas may help you sleep. Avoid heavy, spicy or sugary foods 4-6 hours before bedtime. Spicy food may cause heartburn, which leads to problems falling asleep and restless at night. Try to limit the fluid just before bedtime to prevent these Awakenings of the night go to the bathroom, when some people find milk or herbal teas, be reassuring and useful part of the routine.

2. avoidance of caffeine! This includes, chocolate, own water and teas and coffee. Caffeine late sleep and increases the number of times you awake at night. In General, remains in the body from 3-5 hours, but may have an impact on you, up to 12 hours.

3. stop smoking! Nicotine is a stimulant that can cause problems of sleep and waking in the morning, and even dreams. If this is not bad enough, smokers experience withdrawal symptoms for nicotine, while asleep, and the experience of sleep disorders.

4. waiver of the "night cap!" Alcohol can help you to sleep, but it will wake up the whole night, even if you are not aware of. Alcohol also contributes to snoring and sleep apnea symptoms. Although alcohol may consider as a sedative, actually interferes with sleep, cause the night these Awakenings.

5. is your room a tempting place to sleep? To Your sleeping environment for healthy sleep-cool, quiet, comfortable, attractive and orderly. Use a clean, comfortable bedding and pillows and allergens and high-quality mattresses. Keep the temperature cool but not cold and the room is dark, quiet and well ventilated tightly fitting environment. If the light problem, invest in strong hinges, eye shadow or sleeping mask. Install Dimmer switches in the bedroom and bathroom, keep is the low-temperature at night and morning. Experiencing light in regular period would help you wake up in the morning and then sleep in the same time every night. If the noise problem, invest in earplugs, a fan or white noise machine to interruptive sounds.

6. has the checkbook right before bedtime! Avoid activities that cause excitement, stress and anxiety. Sleep routines such as reading, listening to music or swimming are useful to relax and wind. To carry out these activities in the Dim light of the brain to signal that it is time to relax and be sleepy.

7. no handles directly. Daily exercise is desirable asset to wellness, try exercise within 3 hours before bedtime to avoid stimulation that could sleep more difficult. Exercise also increases body temperature, it might take longer to achieve colder temperatures associated with the onset of sleep causes.

8. Sex, or just sleep! The bedroom is not Office! Use your bedroom only for sleep and sex reinforces the association between the bed and sleep. Your body needs to "know" that the bed is associated with sleep. Not engage in activities that cause anxiety and sleeping. If you associate a specific activity or item with anxiety in your sleep, her omit from their routine. For example, if you look at the dormitory hours will do you the anxieties of the time, than you must get up, turn it into a wall. To avoid a TV or laptop computers, and if useful reading, make sure to take advantage of very low wattage light bulb to read. Train the body to understand that it is a place and time to rest.

9. Early to bed, early to rise! Limit the daily NAP at 30-45 minutes. Your sleep-wake cycle is regulated by the "circadian clock" in your brain and the body's need to balance both the sleep and wake up time. Periodic waking time morning reinforces the feature daily and can help you get to sleep at night. This is also why it is important to maintain a regular time to sleep and wake time, even on weekends when there is a temptation to sleep-ins. Count sheep, no problems! If you have difficulty lying awake, worrying about things, try the list of tasks, than to go to bed and then put these problems to bed for the night. Unable to sleep for more than 30 minutes and I feel sleepy, get up and read, or do something in the darkness, until you feel sleepy. Interested in it, whether you're getting enough sleep will only worsen the situation. Calm down, and will eventually fall asleep.

11. in the middle of the night TV! If, after awakening in the middle of the night, unable to go back to sleep in the range of 15-20 minutes, leave the bedroom and read, have light snacks or do some quiet operation (no TV). Return to bed after 20 minutes or so. Avoid, she looked at the clock when you wake up, you can ensure that anxiety. As I said, turn to the wall!

12. no sleep weekend binges. Because of the high-paced lifestyle, most of us lead can have problems, enough sleep. The ongoing lack of sleep causes sleep deprivation, which leads up the sleep debt that you must pay back, or your drowsiness will continue to deteriorate. However, trying to pay off the weekend sleep binges, as it will result in the disruption of circadian rhythm.

Make quality sleep a priority! Follow these guidelines and to develop their own bedroom environment and healthy for the Brigade, refreshing sleep. Happy dreams!

Copyright 2006 Dr. Eileen Silva

Eileen. Silva, Ph.d., N.D. is metabolic health balancing expert, host talk show and lecturer. Dr. Silva is also an individual, group and corporate management consultant. Dr. contact Silva http://www.dreileensilva.comon

2011年4月23日 星期六

Sleep issues for the Visual and spatial children

When I was pregnant with our first child, someone gave me a card, I haven't forgotten. It read, "child of nature is telling you that you have the power to sleep!" In the thirteen years since, many night I wanted to prepare children to bed at night without incident, the dosage of peacefully, remaining blissfully asleep through the night of continuous and awakening – such as family – thoroughly rested and per day. From studying the properties of Visual spatial learners, those who think in pictures, not words, I'm wondering whether sleep issues are more common among children than among their auditory sequential counterparts. What Visual spatial children fight to sleep at night? They are much ' too wired to sleep sleep? Maybe the left brain hemisphere of the brain is free to take a break from school, the right hemisphere is consciousness and ready to create inventions or leave on imaginative adventures.

If your children have problems at night, I got a few tips that could help. First, your kids need to understand the importance of sleep is for your body and brain. Maybe they think that good without hours of sleep at night. But if you really receive the amount of sleep, their bodies, should be, every night, they would do better in school, sport, music-and would improve their relationships with family and friends. Each person's need for sleep is different, so actually there are no guidelines for how much sleep you need babyhood. However, if your children sleeping in a class by themselves, or could not focus clearly, they should start with an earlier time to sleep.

Sleep scientists believe that sleep, deep sleep, in particular
.. in the brain and allows. consolidate all the streams of information obtained when you awake. Next (the study) suggests that we sleep, to allow the brain to the stocks of fuel and flush out the waste. The third, which is gaining currency, operating that sleep in some mysterious way to help you master various skills, such as how to play the piano and ride a bike. (Time, on 20 December 2004, why we sleep in Christine Gorman, pp. 48-49)

Scientists have found that most mammals, including humans, to switch between two different stages of sleep: REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM REM sleep during is that people experience increased brain activity and vivid dreams. REM sleep is important for humans, but you'll have to go through phases of REM sleep, in order to get there. In fact, the "Your ability to recognize certain patterns on a computer screen is directly linked to the quantity of REM sleep, you'll get." (Time, on 20 December 2004, why we sleep in Christine Gorman, p. 48-49) Also something new to learn, just before your children will help them sleep better remember information. So any significant study for the test seems to do just before going to bed.

Have you ever sleep with the problem of the heart, to wake up in the morning and the answer? That's because your brain is still working, the revision of the today's events, even if you are not conscious. Might encourage their children to sleep, "" the problem before making important decisions. You may be surprised to find that the solutions found during the night!

As soon as your children understand the importance of sleep, how to get it in the first place, what? Here are a few tips for your children is relaxed and reassuring to a good night's sleep:

1. set their body clock by maintaining the same sleep schedule, seven days a week. Try to catch up on sleep on the weekends.

2. create an environment that helps your kids to bed, or one that is holding up. The cold, dark and colored room should help. They can also help eyeshades and earplugs.

3. no caffeine in the afternoon or evening. This means no root beer or chocolate. Should avoid spicy food and finish eating at least three hours before bedtime.

4. no computers, TV or arguments for half an hour before bedtime. Research shows that the production of melatonin (which helps one to sleep) is reduced by playing computer or watching TV.

5. Offers snacks before bed. Some foods naturally sparked the release of serotonin, which helps induce sleep: a glass of milk, a piece of toast with a slice of cheese, half a sandwich with butter or oatmeal with bananas could take.

6. the soothing music is often useful, so are the warm baths.

So, let's say, finally, the children sleep. Now how are you helping them GO to SLEEP? Snoring is a problem with the adults. Up to 12% of all children suffering from snoring problems, which may have a significant impact on their ability to sleep tight. And when the child snores, new studies suggest he or she stands a greater chance of bad in school in comparison with the child, which is not to snore. "What research shows is that snoring can cause problems with behavioral problems, attention problems and problems with focus," says Dr. Norman Friedman, a sleep disorder expert in children's Hospital in Denver.

Both my kids were prone to nightmares. What your Visual spatial children suffer from nightmares, which seem so real, that they have trouble shaking is from memory, when he wakes up? Such nightmares usually occur during the deepest part of sleep, REM sleep and a kind of sleep that your child needs most. You can try using the dream catcher and hanging above the bed. After generation were used dream nestandardy. Native American legend says that the dream catchers had to sort out the sleeping man dreams, to catch those that are good and sending bad dreams hole in the Center. If it helps the children go into deep sleep, nightmares are problematic for them, they did the trick!

There are of course other sleep issues, including sleepwalking, sleeptalking, pomo?cnim and night terrors, to name a few. According to the website, information about children's sleep for parents and teachers (www.sleepforkids.org), should talk to your child's doctor if any of the following:

· The newborn or infant, which is extremely and consistently head

· A child who has respiratory problems, or whose breathing is noisy

· A child who snores, in particular, if their snoring is noisy

· Unusual night these Awakenings

· The difficulty in maintaining sleep, sleeping, and in particular in the event that you see daily drowsiness and behavioral problems

More about your child to sleep patterns, visit the National Sleep Foundation. And here's to many of the rest of the night filled!

Alexandra Allie Golon is the Director of Visual spatial resources, a subsidiary of the Institute for the study of modern development in Denver, Colorado. As a founding member of the Visual spatial resource access team, former teacher G/T and home learning, parents of two gifted Visual spatial learners, Allie brings a wealth of experience in his book, the raising of zdrchany children: successfully parenting your Visual spatial child, aKdybys saw I think: the Guide for the Visual and spatial children. Its upcoming Edition, The Visual spatial Classroom: strategies of differentiation, which involved everyone teaches, is a rich source of classroom strategies. Allie was invited to submit parenting and teaching visual spatial learners on State, national and international scene. He has advised dozens of families on parenting Visual spatial learners harmoniously, and various domestic learning issues and appeared on talk radio and in various print media.

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2011年4月21日 星期四

How to improve your sleep during the transition

Are you a woman near or in menopausal period in your life, and begins to notice changes in your sleep? You're not alone. According to sleep Foundation (NSF) 61% of women undergoing menopause message sleep related problems in the peri menopausal, menopausal and post-menopausal women the period, which may be in the range from early 1940 until the end of the 1950s, after a period of 8-10 years.

In this article to find out about the relationship between menopausal State and sleep, Normal treatment for this condition, some simple steps you can take to alleviate State and what to do if you still cannot sleep after these steps.

How sleep changes during the transition

The quality of sleep is influenced by our body temperature. During normal sleep cycle, our body temperature will fall to about 2-3 titles. This allows the brain to cool, and it enables us to enter into "sleep" mode. It is here that our body hibernation and may work on their restoration and repair tasks that we wake up the next day feeling refreshed and alert.

When menopause hormone levels change (by lowering estrogen levels), and as a result of "hot" when you meet becomes increased body temperature. If this occurs during sleep, excludes normal temporal cycle and maintains a temperature higher than it should be to allow a peaceful sleep.

Up to 85% of women experience surges in a period of about 5 years. During congestion usually occurs to increase heart rate and peripheral blood flow, leading to an increase in temperature of the skin, followed by sweat. As the sweat evaporates, your body cool and you can feel chilled. These events occur at different times of the day, for different women: good morning, late at night and also during the sleep, when they are often referred to as night sweats. Night sweats are most distorts their impact is not just our immediate need to sleep, but our sense of right on the following day. You may experience the day drowsiness, irritability, anxiety, mood swings and depression as a result of disturbed sleep.

The treatment of insomnia during the transition

Normal medical treatment of menopausal symptoms are estrogen therapy (ERT) or hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Both the treatment shown to help with the symptoms of menopause, but for the price. Medical studies have shown that women with medical treatment are more prone to diseases, ranging from breast cancer and cardiovascular disease with dementia.

Later research has brought to improve hormone replacement therapy and alternatives in the field of sleep medicine and current treatments such as creams. These are lower, but still not out of the side effects, with the chemically-based treatment.

There was also a parallel effort to understand how menopause affects women in terms of environmental and behavioral and the following tips to make a good starting point from which to alleviate the problems of sleep before considering options for based on the drugs.

To change your sleeping environment

Create a sleep inducing environment: comfortable and supportive mattress, to minimize the disturbance in the bedroom (ideally remove TV, no work, no laptop), super. quiet and dark, is used only for sleep and sex.
In the bedroom, use 45 w light bulbs: light intensive (100w +) confuses our internal clock making us believe that it is still day, causing us problems with falling asleep.

To change your sleeping patterns

The habit of waking up at the same time every morning: helps regulate and train our internal clocks.
Avoid napping during the day: napping may disrupt sleep time the night for people who already have sleep problems by reducing the need to sleep in a regular period of time.
The habit of going to sleep at the same time every night: helps regulate and train our internal clocks.

To improve their physical preparation of sleep

Spend at least two hours a day in the sunlight: spend time in the Sun to calibrate our internal clock, which controls our desire for sleep during the night.
Exercise regularly-preferably in the late afternoon or evening: helps to regulate our metabolism and internal clock, performance just before going to sleep brings you can prevent the body temperature and sleep.
Eat healthy and medium-sized food: and allow 3-4 hours between dinner and go to bed. Allows our digestive system to complete the work before we go to sleep.
Eat yogurt at bedtime: yogurt contains low levels of sugar, in the stomach very slowly and does not create a sugar while we sleep.
Avoid caffeine after lunch (coffee, tea, soda, your own chocolate, etc.): caffeine remains in the blood of 7-8 hours and it is encouraging that can prevent sleep.
Avoid spicy food at dinner: are the documented links between the spicy food, and sleep disturbance.
Avoid nicotine: nicotine is a stimulant and once in the blood system, it will remain there for a long time.
Don't drink alcohol, especially before bedtime: alcohol contains sugar, which takes 3-4 hours to break down. Helps to reassure people and sleepy, but he wakes up in the middle of the night a sugar.

Improve your mental sleep training

Practice yoga or meditation regularly (2-3 x per week): these practices help us release, the main methods that are required to obtain a deep and a good night's sleep. If prayer is part of the daily routine, keep in mind that it is also a form of meditation.
Keep a journal of sleep: log when you go to sleep, when you wake up and interruption you experienced during the night. This simple method helps to understand the scope of our problem and quantify it. When we achieve improvement can we control the information and welcomed the change.
Reduce the stress and worry: worry about Protocol serves to write their worries. This helps To reduce the disturbing thoughts from the mind of a piece of paper that can be addressed the next day. Share your experience of the transition with friends and family also reduce stress and fear of putting things in perspective.

Allow 3-4 weeks following, simple and easy. Make sure that the track changes and new habits, which is the difference. If you find that these changes its sleeping environment and behaviour is not different and are still not achieve deep and satisfying sleep, that it may be time to work with the trainer of sleep.

The coach will:

teach you how to overcome limiting beliefs about sleep and menopause
help make clear the differences between menopausal symptoms and other past life events that may be of influence on your sleep
allow you to develop more effective thinking patterns around the traumas of the past and other life events
to help drive your position and work with negative thinking patterns to positive and supportive

Sleep training programme includes his sleeping objectives, detecting and dealing with obstacles to the achievement of your success and you are on the way to achieve the objectives of the sleeping through accountability and monitor.

The ladder into sleep Program (TM) was created in sleep coach, Avi Sachs, to help people who have changed their behaviour and their environment, and the sleep problems persist. The programme addresses, the next level of sleep needs to work with sleep strategies, past experience and views about sleep and how one perceives their identity in a manner that prevents good night sleep. For more information, visit the http://www.laddertosleep.com

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2011年4月20日 星期三

Insomnia patients new hope for providing a natural cure for insomnia-free e-course

Millions of people around them and that insomnia and suffered in silence. Http://BestNaturalInsomniaCure.com information, tips, remedies and free five-part e-course personal natural therapies of restful sleep can help you get.

Website, five-part e-course personal help insomnia and their life in insomnia can remove steps provides their cause. Courses are also all-natural insomnia cure, insomnia drugs or expensive treatment session that does not rely on that can be imported by controlled tips.

Sometimes or severe insomnia can be. Everyone sometimes experience difficulties sleeping. It's bed, stress or uncomfortable bed eating a large meal before something as simple as can be caused by. Lack of sleep, the body and irritable potential my chemical imbalance, you can track.

Many people suffer from sleep disorders, and it does not recognize. Psychophysiological insomnia learned is a form of the insomnia. It is often one of the loved and lost in someone's life after a major event, but also seemingly pointless after the fact can take place. This type of those suffering from sleep deprivation are trying to do, but they sleep more difficult when the ongoing cycle of be excited.

Power-saving state does not believe a misunderstanding where individual they slept, although they are disorders. Idiopathic insomnia is often untapped sleep and wakefulness because it starts in childhood. Antidepressants to relieve the problem generally is prescribed.

For a long time continued inability to mental and physical capabilities can play havoc with the more serious causes. Signs of sleep deprivation and slowly at first, and many people even notice them. Each person has to work effectively they that must receive a certain amount of sleep. Lack of sleep are the first signs of slurred speech, mood swings and erratic explosion of anger.

If the individual more characters, they will be lazy, the problem you have to focus and be sleepy. they even cooking, bathing, walking and difficulties in such a simple task. Driving is very dangerous. Severe lack of sleep is personal, more diseases, infections and viruses, making it vulnerable to the harmful effects on the immune system.

Free five-part e-course Bestnaturalinsomniacure.com provides people with insomnia, short-term or ongoing problem suffers is designed to help people. Website and e-course information on the cause of insomnia and sleep they so desperately need visitors help all natural remedies including a wide range of.

For more information visit the website at http://bestnaturalinsomniacure.com.


View the original article here

2011年4月19日 星期二

Top 10 sleep myths can close

Actually there are only a few areas of the health of perpetuating myths, more than the area of health. Under some of the more popular myths, I listed and why they are absolute nonsense.

Myth # 1: Sleep means just resting

The Truth:

Sleep is much more than just a rest period; It is the base time for the body to carry out routine maintenance, creation of long-term memories and repair the damage of your day. Get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every day ensures that your body and mind will work even on the second day.

Myth 2: sleep is a passive event

The Truth:

Sleeping is not passive. The brain may be more active during sleep, dream, than it is in State up. Although the metabolic activity during sleep, a dream is high, it is necessary in the rejuvenation, restoration of memory and feel fresh.

Myth 3: the more dream, the more I'm tired.

The Truth:

Well, it is recognized that dream sleep is important for the rejuvenation and feel fresh. All my dreams, even nightmares, are good for the people.

Myth # 4: the loss of hours of sleep.

The Truth:

When less sleep than you need, the ability to perform certain cognitive and physical activity is greatly reduced. Sleep loss creates time to develop. With sleep debt may interfere with hormones that monitor your appetite, change your mood, and increases the risk of long-term illness.

Myth # 5: you can learn how to sleep less.

The Truth:

There is absolutely no way to "train" with less sleep. Research has shown that restriction of a person to a mere 5 hours of sleep per night for weeks, will strongly influence the performance, impair judgment and cause mood swings. The studies in the late 1980s, linked chronic sleep debt with depressive disorders.

Myth # 6: the NAP are wasteful.

The Truth:

The NAP are a great way to catch up on lost sleep. After dozing people can complete the cognitive tasks, which are much faster and feel. The NAP are also an excellent way to train someone to sleep faster, which is very useful to anyone insomniawith. It is worth noting that the dormant for more than an hour, or after 3 pm may make it difficult for her to go to sleep at night.

Myth # 7: is there something like sleep "Catch up".

The Truth:

Simply put, if correct, 7 to 9 hours of sleep, accumulating. This weekend, it would seem the ideal wake up later to catch up on lost sleep. However, it is much more effective and to develop a healthier daily plan, which will allow you to single 7 to 9 hours per night.

Myth # 8: Snoring is normal and indicates the State of deep sleep.

The Truth:

It is not surprising to know that snoring is very common, frequent snoring may be indicative of a very serious sleep disordersp. If someone complained on the consistent snoring, or noticed that you have a little breathing during sleep, you may have fallen victim to the disorder sleep apnea. It would be very wise to head to sleep specialist for evaluation of sleep. If you have sleep apnea , there are many successful treatments, which may help you sleep better and feel more during the day.

Myth # 9: Children with less sleep becomes more tired.

The Truth:

Children have very different metabolic rates than adults. If you think that your child stay awake, that the tyres on the upcoming trip, etc. .. Think again. Children without sleep tend to create excess adrenaline and eventually more vigorous, even the hyper active from lack of sleep. Successfully associated sleep deficits in children with ADHD (Hyper activity disorder attention). Children with sleep apnea , moreover, have been linked to poor school performance and lower the sports and health activities. To put it bluntly, children need an incredible number of quality sleep.

Myth # 10: Older people need less sleep.

The Truth:

Older people tend to less sleep than young and middle-aged adults, but that doesn't mean that they need less. The fact is that older individuals require the same amount of rest as the rest of us, only older people may not be able to easily achieve due to the lower levels of melatonin was circulating in the blood. That is why you can see older people more NAPs all day because their bodies are trying to make up for lack of sleep during the night.

There you have it. My first list of the Top 10. If you have other myths that need unnatural, is to leave a comment, in which the website insomnia treatment of mine (look for the link in the signature), and I'll play the myth buster and test his theory. As with the sleeping, , insomnia a lot of the most popular treatments are also based on pure myth, so you know. My mom said that well informed well armed, and when it comes to the treatment of string long, sleepless nights, she was right on the money (my mother, it seems, is always on the money). So the next time someone tells you that you should go to sleep, run around naked in the woods or bathe in the engine oil, changes to my site for the spread or catch fire. :)

Irene Mckay worked sleep research field for ten years, in clinical studies, designed to assist with the quality and quiet sleep, for persons suffering from chronic and transitory insomnia. Operates a research and treatment of web Insomnia name where critiques and explains sleep optimization and the different treatment of insomnia.

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2011年4月18日 星期一

How to sleep better

If you have trouble sleeping, you're not alone. Drastically changed our lifestyle, but the brain and body still have the same needs, such as centuries ago. Lack of sleep to get attention, but it is the cause of many diseases and injuries, not to mention eccentric mood and lackluster skin tones. To obtain the proper QA ensures that we give our body enough time to perform basic healing functions during the night, which keep us healthy, and alerts.

The continuous quality of sleep is essential for the best way to feel and function on all four cylinders throughout the day, so if you think you stayed up all night to prepare for the exam or your presentation will benefit, think again. Studies show that students who stay up all night and taught earn less than students who score sufficient rest.

Sleep mode or the absence of, also has a huge impact on the overall quality of our lives. How do you know that when you're getting enough sleep? If drowsiness distorts or is difficult to do your daily activities, you need more sleep.

Too cold, not too hot, but just right.

Temps over 75 degrees and under 54 may cause restless sleep. Unfortunately, there is no magic temperature, to ensure a peaceful sleep. Temperature, which will disrupt sleep varies from person to person and may also depend on a number of other factors, such as wear to bed and sleep on the type of leaves. Most experts believe that the temperature on the side of the cooler are the best, because it reflects our bodies what naturally sleep, which is cool, (except for me, I was a raging Inferno, when I'm sleeping).

How to tell you: If you and your friend's bed, cannot agree to room temperature, then try the thermostat at night and meeting with blankets on your level of comfort. I know that it is a great compromise, but it is better than sleep itself, no? In addition, it saves on gas and electricity.

In summer, when he gets into bedroom a hot that, especially in the event that you do not have AC, he could wake up feeling groggier than usual. Investing in the AC often worth spending, or fan or humidifier to offer relief from the pain in the neck and drought.

Let there be light ... expect that when you're trying to sleep

He wondered why we are naturally in the night, tired and alerts (if you have enough quality sleep!) during the day? It is, therefore, that our sleep patterns are regulated by the light and darkness. Our biological clock impacts when we sleep and when we feel awake, so to obtain the balance of light against the darkness of the utmost importance. Bright light helps to keep you awake during the day, but when we're asleep bright lights may interrupt sleep quality.

Here's how to make sure that the internal shift clock: for a start, very bright light during the day. Time to get some natural sunshine or buy lightbox to ensure that you get enough real sunlight. In the night, the better. Try blocking the light curtains or wear eye mask.

If before you wake up, increase your exposure to clear in the evening. The time when you go to sleep, but you'll have a better quality of sleep during the night, he pushed him. If you frequently use the bathroom in the middle of the night, the lights turn on, or the use of lighting. We all, that's turned on the switch, and felt our bodies, brought in protest. And as expected, it's difficult to fall asleep again, when we crawl back under the covers.

Sleeping surface

It is an area that is relatively neglected. Of course, we know that a high thread count sheets are luxurious and feel better. But what about that old mattress you sleep on since 10th grade (and now you're 27?). Sleeping on the mattress, which does not offer, back and neck supports you can contribute to poor sleep, not to mention the back pain.

And drop the ugly cry aloud pillow. Pillows can store thousands of fungal spores. Yes, a thousand. And they can do all kinds of medium on the breathing systems. Research shows that the synthetic pillows have more bacteria than feather pillows-up to five times more Dust Mite fecal matter than down pillows. But if you are allergic to down, as if, you have to buy new pillows and more. Plastic allergen includes may reduce bacteria, mites, and other allergy triggers also. Pillows also affect posture, so try that, buy one that is for your sleeping needs.

Give yourself enough room to sleep also. If you are sharing a bed, get big enough for two. Don't try to teach the two adults on the bed, full size. Both wake up miserable.

Other factors that affect the sleep

According to the National Sleep Foundation 2005 sleep in America poll, 67 percent of respondents reported that your partner snores, 27 percent said their intimate relationship was influenced by, because they were too sleepy, and 38% said they had problems in their relationship with their partner sleep disorders.

Here is what you can do: talk to the culprit. Ask him or her to seek treatment for any sleep disorders from a doctor. Buy silicon ear plus block snoring or sleep working arrangement that works for everyone. For example, your partner will jump start with falling asleep, than to go to bed and begins to snore, or you can invest in a bed that doesn't move when one person Flips, or rotates and hit. Just continue to suffer in silence or communication!

And what more televisions, computers, and working in the bedroom can cause poor quality sleep. The violent shows and reports before bedtime may cause restless sleep or nightmares. Sleep environment can only be used for sleep and sex acts.

So, here's what to do: a highly an activity, such as monitoring action programmes or horror movies, or work on sleeping pills. How to avoid temptation? Here's a new one. Keep television and computers from your bedroom! To create a peaceful environment, which is centered on the uniformity and sleep.

And what about our furry friends? The bad news is that cats and dogs may be cute in the bed, but can interfere with sleep. Everyone who has shared a bed with another man, he knows that sharing the sleeping area can lead to disruption, but when your four-legged friend will get added to this mixture, it becomes even more complex. The animals often move and go to and from the bed all night. You may not, in fact, when you wake up, but you will probably feel that less relaxed than it would otherwise.

I know that it's hard to imagine, fluffy, kicking off the bed, but seriously consider everything his own bed in your bedroom, instead of sharing the bed. After all, if you have more energy can be a better parent, the dog or cat!

Covington is a beauty and a writer who loves anything that smells and causes her skin, nails and hair appearance and amazing. Amy maintains three blogs for the Belisi fashions, luxury accessories brand in the silk ties, pocket squares and Designer buttons. Updated daily, readers have a regular dose of beauty tips, fashion, health and lifestyle articles, comments, and comment.