How many hours of sleep a person should have? There is no definitive answer to this question. Sleep needs vary from one individual to another. Some people feel fresh even after 5-6 hours of sleep, while others may be sleepy after the 10-11 hours of sleep. The key to understanding sleeping needs is if you feel tired, drowsy during the day and are not able to concentrate on their work, then you probably need more sleep.
Sleep strengthens the immune system and helps the body to fight disease. Is it necessary for the proper functioning of the central nervous system. People who are constantly suffer sleep deprivation are more prone to high blood pressure and diabetes.
Several common causes that may lead to sleep deprivation are the following:
1. Working long hours.
2. Stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine.
3. Light or noise in the environment.
4. stress and anxiety from work, relationships.
5. Excessive alcoholic beverages.
6. Sickness, medicines and drugs.
The above are just a few reasons that can cause sleep disorders. In addition to the above unhealthy diets and lack of proper sleep routine can also lead to disturbing sleep.
There are many treatment sleep disorders , which are constantly exploring and research, which can help a good night's sleep. These disorders of sleep treatment is different from the sleeping machine as nasal caps (for a reduction in snoring) medicines (herbal and chemical) and even surgery, in certain cases. This is a brief summary of some common treatment sleep disorders .
1. Behavioral therapy: they are generally used in combination with drugs for the treatment of the series with disorder sleep, such as the insomnia, for example. This therapy is to flourish in our daily routine and exercise every day. It is a relaxation technique of physical therapy, exercises, massages etc peak
2. Sleep hygiene: It are habits that man can develop exercise before sleeping. With water bath before sleeping, using firm mattresses and clean sheets and ways to sleep better sleep. Listen to soft music, some light reading, or even a glass of warm milk before bed can help. Differently for different people to work.
3. the stimulus control therapy: in some cases sleep disorders, people start, disconnecting with beds and sleeping environment. Find a sofa or chair a more comfortable place for healthy sleep. Therefore, in other words, in the bedroom and related things act as a negative stimulus pills. In such cases, it is recommended that, in order to overcome such feelings by using cognitive thinking people. Use the bed only for sleep and not as a place of TV or food is preferred.
4. Bleed-the-Counter (OTC) drugs-: a range of OTC drugs , insomnia for the treatment and other related sleep disorders. These drugs are also used as feverishly or for cough and cold. These include tranquilizers or silencing that slow down the activity of the central nervous system. You may be a good choice for immediate relief, but would still not longer. OTC medications should the person forget to mention their physician about the same, as they may contain certain constituents, which may have an adverse effect.
5. Melatonin, Melatonin is a natural hormone: pineal gland of the brain. It helps in maintaining the body clock and your sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin production usually decreases with age. The add-in is available and is known to be a good choice insomniafor. However, the study shows that week, the use of melatonin has the same effect as the continuation of three months or so. Also, people who have a lower production of melatonin is known benefits with melatonin supplements. People with sufficient production of the hormone continue to sleep problems, despite the use of melatonin.
6. Plant medicines: chemical combination drugs are known to have adverse effects on human beings, is the growing trend of herbal medicines. Valerian, kava kava, Chamomile, certain herbs, which is known to release the body and reduce stress.
Withdisorder sleepmay be very disturbing it directly affects our performance, whether at work or at school. Problems with longer sleep can create havoc in everyday life. Must, therefore, cannot be ignored. Treatment of sleep disorders may differ depending on the specific sleep disorders, but it's certainly helped.
Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit the sleep disorder Remedy to learn more about melatonin sleep disorder remedy and drugs for sleep disorders.