Wake up refreshed in the morning without the use of the clock and feel energetic all day? If not, be enough (adults must be between 7,5-8,5 hours sleep at night) or perhaps you suffer from sleep disorder sleep , which affects 60 million Americans insomnia.: You have insomniato, you may be having trouble getting to sleep, waking up too early, waking during the night and went to bed, or un-refreshing sleep. During the day you may have trouble concentrating or feel sleepy, tired or agitated.
Obviously a significant life stress (loss of job or a loved one, divorce, or movement), disease or environmental factors (noise, change of bed, the night side of the neighbor 's) may lose their normal sleep schedule and health (depression, heartburn, rakovinaastma, arthritis, etc.) insomnia , it may cause. As soon as these situations resolve themselves, should improve your sleep plan. However, if these problems are not present, and still can't sleep, maybe some of the routines of your day and night, they contribute to your insomnia. Food, environment and routine are the three areas that commonly affect the sleeping success. Here are some healthy tips that many experts agree, can improve the quantity and quality of your sleep.
1. don't go to bed hungry! Light, an early lunch or snacks, but prevent the light before going to bed, to bed with a full stomach may disrupt sleep. Warm milk, milk products, carbohydrates and foods high in tryptophan (amino acids) like Turkey or bananas may help you sleep. Avoid heavy, spicy or sugary foods 4-6 hours before bedtime. Spicy food may cause heartburn, which leads to problems falling asleep and restless at night. Try to limit the fluid just before bedtime to prevent these Awakenings of the night go to the bathroom, when some people find milk or herbal teas, be reassuring and useful part of the routine.
2. avoidance of caffeine! This includes, chocolate, own water and teas and coffee. Caffeine late sleep and increases the number of times you awake at night. In General, remains in the body from 3-5 hours, but may have an impact on you, up to 12 hours.
3. stop smoking! Nicotine is a stimulant that can cause problems of sleep and waking in the morning, and even dreams. If this is not bad enough, smokers experience withdrawal symptoms for nicotine, while asleep, and the experience of sleep disorders.
4. waiver of the "night cap!" Alcohol can help you to sleep, but it will wake up the whole night, even if you are not aware of. Alcohol also contributes to snoring and sleep apnea symptoms. Although alcohol may consider as a sedative, actually interferes with sleep, cause the night these Awakenings.
5. is your room a tempting place to sleep? To Your sleeping environment for healthy sleep-cool, quiet, comfortable, attractive and orderly. Use a clean, comfortable bedding and pillows and allergens and high-quality mattresses. Keep the temperature cool but not cold and the room is dark, quiet and well ventilated tightly fitting environment. If the light problem, invest in strong hinges, eye shadow or sleeping mask. Install Dimmer switches in the bedroom and bathroom, keep is the low-temperature at night and morning. Experiencing light in regular period would help you wake up in the morning and then sleep in the same time every night. If the noise problem, invest in earplugs, a fan or white noise machine to interruptive sounds.
6. has the checkbook right before bedtime! Avoid activities that cause excitement, stress and anxiety. Sleep routines such as reading, listening to music or swimming are useful to relax and wind. To carry out these activities in the Dim light of the brain to signal that it is time to relax and be sleepy.
7. no handles directly. Daily exercise is desirable asset to wellness, try exercise within 3 hours before bedtime to avoid stimulation that could sleep more difficult. Exercise also increases body temperature, it might take longer to achieve colder temperatures associated with the onset of sleep causes.
8. Sex, or just sleep! The bedroom is not Office! Use your bedroom only for sleep and sex reinforces the association between the bed and sleep. Your body needs to "know" that the bed is associated with sleep. Not engage in activities that cause anxiety and sleeping. If you associate a specific activity or item with anxiety in your sleep, her omit from their routine. For example, if you look at the dormitory hours will do you the anxieties of the time, than you must get up, turn it into a wall. To avoid a TV or laptop computers, and if useful reading, make sure to take advantage of very low wattage light bulb to read. Train the body to understand that it is a place and time to rest.
9. Early to bed, early to rise! Limit the daily NAP at 30-45 minutes. Your sleep-wake cycle is regulated by the "circadian clock" in your brain and the body's need to balance both the sleep and wake up time. Periodic waking time morning reinforces the feature daily and can help you get to sleep at night. This is also why it is important to maintain a regular time to sleep and wake time, even on weekends when there is a temptation to sleep-ins. Count sheep, no problems! If you have difficulty lying awake, worrying about things, try the list of tasks, than to go to bed and then put these problems to bed for the night. Unable to sleep for more than 30 minutes and I feel sleepy, get up and read, or do something in the darkness, until you feel sleepy. Interested in it, whether you're getting enough sleep will only worsen the situation. Calm down, and will eventually fall asleep.
11. in the middle of the night TV! If, after awakening in the middle of the night, unable to go back to sleep in the range of 15-20 minutes, leave the bedroom and read, have light snacks or do some quiet operation (no TV). Return to bed after 20 minutes or so. Avoid, she looked at the clock when you wake up, you can ensure that anxiety. As I said, turn to the wall!
12. no sleep weekend binges. Because of the high-paced lifestyle, most of us lead can have problems, enough sleep. The ongoing lack of sleep causes sleep deprivation, which leads up the sleep debt that you must pay back, or your drowsiness will continue to deteriorate. However, trying to pay off the weekend sleep binges, as it will result in the disruption of circadian rhythm.
Make quality sleep a priority! Follow these guidelines and to develop their own bedroom environment and healthy for the Brigade, refreshing sleep. Happy dreams!
Copyright 2006 Dr. Eileen Silva
Eileen. Silva, Ph.d., N.D. is metabolic health balancing expert, host talk show and lecturer. Dr. Silva is also an individual, group and corporate management consultant. Dr. contact Silva http://www.dreileensilva.comon