2011年4月23日 星期六

Sleep issues for the Visual and spatial children

When I was pregnant with our first child, someone gave me a card, I haven't forgotten. It read, "child of nature is telling you that you have the power to sleep!" In the thirteen years since, many night I wanted to prepare children to bed at night without incident, the dosage of peacefully, remaining blissfully asleep through the night of continuous and awakening – such as family – thoroughly rested and per day. From studying the properties of Visual spatial learners, those who think in pictures, not words, I'm wondering whether sleep issues are more common among children than among their auditory sequential counterparts. What Visual spatial children fight to sleep at night? They are much ' too wired to sleep sleep? Maybe the left brain hemisphere of the brain is free to take a break from school, the right hemisphere is consciousness and ready to create inventions or leave on imaginative adventures.

If your children have problems at night, I got a few tips that could help. First, your kids need to understand the importance of sleep is for your body and brain. Maybe they think that good without hours of sleep at night. But if you really receive the amount of sleep, their bodies, should be, every night, they would do better in school, sport, music-and would improve their relationships with family and friends. Each person's need for sleep is different, so actually there are no guidelines for how much sleep you need babyhood. However, if your children sleeping in a class by themselves, or could not focus clearly, they should start with an earlier time to sleep.

Sleep scientists believe that sleep, deep sleep, in particular
.. in the brain and allows. consolidate all the streams of information obtained when you awake. Next (the study) suggests that we sleep, to allow the brain to the stocks of fuel and flush out the waste. The third, which is gaining currency, operating that sleep in some mysterious way to help you master various skills, such as how to play the piano and ride a bike. (Time, on 20 December 2004, why we sleep in Christine Gorman, pp. 48-49)

Scientists have found that most mammals, including humans, to switch between two different stages of sleep: REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM REM sleep during is that people experience increased brain activity and vivid dreams. REM sleep is important for humans, but you'll have to go through phases of REM sleep, in order to get there. In fact, the "Your ability to recognize certain patterns on a computer screen is directly linked to the quantity of REM sleep, you'll get." (Time, on 20 December 2004, why we sleep in Christine Gorman, p. 48-49) Also something new to learn, just before your children will help them sleep better remember information. So any significant study for the test seems to do just before going to bed.

Have you ever sleep with the problem of the heart, to wake up in the morning and the answer? That's because your brain is still working, the revision of the today's events, even if you are not conscious. Might encourage their children to sleep, "" the problem before making important decisions. You may be surprised to find that the solutions found during the night!

As soon as your children understand the importance of sleep, how to get it in the first place, what? Here are a few tips for your children is relaxed and reassuring to a good night's sleep:

1. set their body clock by maintaining the same sleep schedule, seven days a week. Try to catch up on sleep on the weekends.

2. create an environment that helps your kids to bed, or one that is holding up. The cold, dark and colored room should help. They can also help eyeshades and earplugs.

3. no caffeine in the afternoon or evening. This means no root beer or chocolate. Should avoid spicy food and finish eating at least three hours before bedtime.

4. no computers, TV or arguments for half an hour before bedtime. Research shows that the production of melatonin (which helps one to sleep) is reduced by playing computer or watching TV.

5. Offers snacks before bed. Some foods naturally sparked the release of serotonin, which helps induce sleep: a glass of milk, a piece of toast with a slice of cheese, half a sandwich with butter or oatmeal with bananas could take.

6. the soothing music is often useful, so are the warm baths.

So, let's say, finally, the children sleep. Now how are you helping them GO to SLEEP? Snoring is a problem with the adults. Up to 12% of all children suffering from snoring problems, which may have a significant impact on their ability to sleep tight. And when the child snores, new studies suggest he or she stands a greater chance of bad in school in comparison with the child, which is not to snore. "What research shows is that snoring can cause problems with behavioral problems, attention problems and problems with focus," says Dr. Norman Friedman, a sleep disorder expert in children's Hospital in Denver.

Both my kids were prone to nightmares. What your Visual spatial children suffer from nightmares, which seem so real, that they have trouble shaking is from memory, when he wakes up? Such nightmares usually occur during the deepest part of sleep, REM sleep and a kind of sleep that your child needs most. You can try using the dream catcher and hanging above the bed. After generation were used dream nestandardy. Native American legend says that the dream catchers had to sort out the sleeping man dreams, to catch those that are good and sending bad dreams hole in the Center. If it helps the children go into deep sleep, nightmares are problematic for them, they did the trick!

There are of course other sleep issues, including sleepwalking, sleeptalking, pomo?cnim and night terrors, to name a few. According to the website, information about children's sleep for parents and teachers (www.sleepforkids.org), should talk to your child's doctor if any of the following:

· The newborn or infant, which is extremely and consistently head

· A child who has respiratory problems, or whose breathing is noisy

· A child who snores, in particular, if their snoring is noisy

· Unusual night these Awakenings

· The difficulty in maintaining sleep, sleeping, and in particular in the event that you see daily drowsiness and behavioral problems

More about your child to sleep patterns, visit the National Sleep Foundation. And here's to many of the rest of the night filled!

Alexandra Allie Golon is the Director of Visual spatial resources, a subsidiary of the Institute for the study of modern development in Denver, Colorado. As a founding member of the Visual spatial resource access team, former teacher G/T and home learning, parents of two gifted Visual spatial learners, Allie brings a wealth of experience in his book, the raising of zdrchany children: successfully parenting your Visual spatial child, aKdybys saw I think: the Guide for the Visual and spatial children. Its upcoming Edition, The Visual spatial Classroom: strategies of differentiation, which involved everyone teaches, is a rich source of classroom strategies. Allie was invited to submit parenting and teaching visual spatial learners on State, national and international scene. He has advised dozens of families on parenting Visual spatial learners harmoniously, and various domestic learning issues and appeared on talk radio and in various print media.

