Today it is becoming increasingly likely that you will not have enough sleep at night. Many people have a hectic lifestyle, juggling the stress of work with family life, and don t about trying to integrate the social life there. Everything happens so fast these days that no one is prepared to rest, because they fear that he may go ahead. Many become so intellectual, that they are ready to change the rules of nature. They say that it is nothing but a waste of time. But those who are trying to change the rules of the Almighty, have their own problems.
Rule of thumb is that the average adult needs about 8 hours of sleep per night. But this may vary depending on the person, some may need only 6 hours and another might need 10. Some people will think that they need much less sleep than this, of course. Margaret Thatcher famously need only 4 hours of sleep at night during her 11 years as Prime Minister of Great Britain. But maybe you think you need just a few hours of sleep, but it is likely to have health effects on your body.
It is reported that more than 40 million Americans suffer from disorder sleepwith, with 60% of Americans sleeping problems a few days a week.
Psychologists and other scientists who study the causes sleep disordershaving demonstrated that such problems may directly or indirectly linked to abnormalities in the following systems:
· Brain and nervous system
· The cardiovascular system
· Metabolic function
· The immune system
In addition, unhealthy conditions, disorders and diseases can also cause sleep problems, including:
· Pathological drowsiness insomnia , and the accident
· Hypertension and increased cardiovascular risk (MI, stroke)
· Affective disorders (depression, bipolar disorder)
· Obesity; metabolic syndrome and diabetes
· The abuse of alcohol and drugs
The group, which are primarily at risk from lack of sleep include night workers, doctors (an average of 6.5 hours of daily sleep =; inhabitants = 5 hours daily), truck drivers, parents and teenagers.
Stress is the number one cause of short-term accommodation difficulties, according to experts. Common triggers include school or pressures, which between them relating to the work, family or marriage problem and a serious illness or death in the family. Usually a sleep problem disappears when going through a stressful situation. However, if the short sleep disorders, such as the insomnia , for example, are not managed properly from the beginning that may persist long after the original stress has elapsed.
Each year the cost with disorder sleep, lack of sleep and drowsiness, according to the NCSDR, is estimated at $ 15.9 million in direct costs and $ 50 to $ 100 billion per year to the indirect and the related costs. And according to the NHSA, fell asleep while driving is responsible for at least 100 000 cases, 71, 000 injuries and 1550 deaths each year in the United States. Young people in their teens and twenties, who are particularly vulnerable to the effects of chronic sleep loss, participating in more than half falls on fall asleep on the nation's roads every year. Loss of sleep also affects the learning of young people in the schools of our nation, with 60 percent of children of primary school and secondary school report that they are tired, during the day and 15 per cent of them admitted to falling asleep in class.
Here are a few tips on how to get the best night sleep possible.
1) to the bed and around the same time every night and morning. If it is ever happens late at night trying to restore her for more time tomorrow morning. Avoid will soon be in bed. Go to bed until then, what do you feel sleepy.
2) to do the exercises regularly in the evening some three to four hours before bedtime. See, that at least 30 minutes of sun exposure. Early in the morning to do yoga, meditation and gym. This is will help supply energy for the whole day. Tense muscles will no doubt ask for rest at night.
3) have a long, hot bath or shower before bed. For bedtime rituals. Listening to music soft read a book to calm the body. Avoid reading violent messages, or to monitor the continuous or Horror films, which will have a brain to think about.
4) have the warm milk before bed. Have lunch about two hours before bedtime. In addition you have bottle of water, so that you don t go into the pot of water.
5) Bedroom area should be quiet, and is considered the television would not be in the bedroom. The room has a cosy atmosphere. Give the curtains, where is the vivid light in the room. Regularly change the sheets. The room should have proper ventilation. Avoid illuminated bedroom clocks, that anxiety and still think of the time.
6) avoid sleeping in the afternoon. After lunch to avoid caffeine and nicotine in all forms. Caffeine in coffee, tea, chocolate, Colas; avoid other non-alcoholic beverages.
7) If you don t sleep withinn 10-15 minutes and the feeling that you can t get to sleep in the bedroom. Let's proceed in a book or watch TV until you feel sleepy.
8) some people are trying to reduce sleeping pills and continue until you get rid of it. If not controlled, it just becomes a habit. Therefore, it is necessary to the proper care and the physician should be consulted.
9) all of the activities carried out during the day. Note: concerns, and possible ways to reach a solution. This will remove the burden of your shoulders and you should be thinking about it, what are you going to bed.
10) the main reason for sleep disorders is stress. Relief from tension and anxiety, and it often resolves a sleep disorder.
11) have a light meal prior to bedtime. Eat heavily can cause adverse effects.
12) most of the people you have to travel around the world through different time zones in such cases, should practice schedule this country in advance so that the body gets to meet the conditions facing in another country.
Some useful resources.
The National Sleep Foundation
American Academy of sleep medicine
American InsomniaAssociation
Society for research on sleep
NIH National Center for sleep disordersresearch
Article wrote
James Smythe
Dolphin Design
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