Difficulty in sleeping? Solution are sleeping pills. Although many people turn to pills, when insomnia suffer may actually have negative side effects and can be addictive and less efficient over time.
Article in the New York Times, 23. October 2007 revealed some disturbing results of the research. Viewed as a group, sleeping pills to improve in time to sleep 12.8 minutes compared with fake pills and the total time you really sleep on 11.4 minutes per night.
So why are they so popular? Two comments exactly this article us some clues. Firstly, most of the pills are working on the same brain receptors as drugs for the treatment of anxiety disorder-they could feel better sleep. And secondly, the effect of the anterograde amnesia (problems are memories while under the influence of drugs, sleep), which means in the morning, maybe that you forgot you had trouble sleeping. I should wake up the phone?
Sleeping pills, which are addictive
Most of the pills are addictive. Many people want to get out of the sleeping pills lead a normal life, but when they try, they may suffer terrible withdrawal symptoms, such as the repetition of bad sleep patterns, anxiety, shaking or panic and generally miserable. If you are already dependent on sleeping pills, it is important to talk with your doctor and take them off carefully and with the help of.
That addictive drugs means that they become less effective over time, which means that higher doses are required only to obtain the same effect.
For more information online, see the work and the Web page of Professor C.H. Ashton on benzodiazepines. Joan e. Gadsby, author of the dependence of prescription, its 18 years of fighting to withdraw from the drugs challenge recently sent a letter to President Obama.
Sleeping pills may cause drowsiness
Drowsiness, when you want to sleep may seem like a good thing, but if you have to lead a normal life and go to the activities of the day, in fact, it may be a problem. People who take sleeping tablets often discover that they are also very sleepy this morning and it may cause difficult or even dangerous for them to their normal activities, such as driving, operating machinery, etc.
Sleeping pills may cause harm to nocturnal activity
If you are on the pills and you need to get in at night to the bathroom or do whatever else may be in trouble. Pills tend to clumsy and confused and may be dangerous and cause you to hurt yourself over the falls. This is particularly dangerous for the elderly, who may be more likely to fall and break a bone.
Sleeping pills are blamed for special events
An article published in The Sun-Herald 10. May 2009 highlighted this controversial pill was the number one drug, reported the national line in Australia for adverse side effects from drugs. Call on adverse events of 1669 Online medicine from September 2007 to February 2009 12 percent (196) is related to the particular pill-so is by far the most watched medicines that line, an Australian national prescribing service, and the Mater Hospital in Brisbane. Other studies confirming reports of abnormal behavior is a report published in April 2009 in Australia and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry as a sleep walking and eating during sleep. And sleep walking has been associated with higher likelihood of overweight or obese.
What are the alternatives?
As we already said, pills are not the answer, but what else can be used if you have trouble sleeping? The first thing is to consider what may be the cause of your insomnia. There are many reasons why people cannot sleep and that include anxiety, stress, was able to turn off at the end of the day, food intolerance, toxic relationships, and environment, the work unfulfilling, prescription and non-prescription medication use, disturbing (including finan?nizdravi, family matters)-and many others.
Insomnia is a symptom of something else. To get to the bottom of the "something else" is a challenge. Sometimes it's easy, for example, if it's just a matter of relaxation at the end of the day. Sometimes it is more difficult-if it is related to the trauma of childhood, etc.
The good news is that there are many technologies for solving the problem, of course.
Include cognitive behavior therapy (C.B.T), emotional freedom techniques (E.F.T), Neuro training, relaxation (yoga, meditation, etc.), the brain releases (some types of music, Theta metronomes, etc.), kinesiology, nutrition, exercise, herbs, and other additions, food intolerance and allergy, aromatherapy, sleep in a beda life changing decision to carry out his life, other changes in lifestyle and excellent books on specific topics (e.g. wisdom in post-menopausal women, from Dr. Christiane Northrup) in jail.
Solution are sleeping pills. May be a popular way to try and of insomnia axle, but are not that effective and can be addictive, and sometimes dangerous. Most of all, that address the root problem that caused insomnia your in the first place-and this is the place where lies the real solutions.
CEO Shannon Elizabeth, author, lecturer.
Elizabeth research of sleep and sleep disorders for more than 10 years. Expert interviews and reviews of successful case studies to identify and report on the natural solution for insomnia. Completely without the use of drugs. The information is out there, it's hard to find in between babble about sleep-so much noise that keeps us awake.
At SleeplessNoMore dot com, the website of the Office that provides information and solutions in the following areas: children, herbs, adolescents, ADHD, sadness, depression, sleep apnea, tinnitus, anxiety and phobias, aromatherapy, melatonin, sleeping pills, side effects of prescription and non-prescription medication, food additives, which should be illegal, startling statistics, ways to relax, to help the next day after the night before, cognitive behavioral therapy, emotional freedom techniques, kinesiology, etc, etc.
* Seize the opportunity to register for an upcoming, free webinar series "sleeping with The experts" from June 2009.
* Receive a free CD of experts interview with Andrew Verity (the world of Neural training founder) (Australian only for hotel guests).
* Find out how to stop your partner about the disagreement of wit, bed covering you need.
All of this on the http://www.sleeplessnomore.comSleeplessNoMore,