2011年4月27日 星期三

How sleep undesirable kilograms

Common sense would suggest that the formula for weight control is very simple: eat more calories than zakodovala and weight should remain the same. Eat less calories you not heal, eat more calories and you gain. Many people make sure that burns calories by going to the gym, or that engage in sports activities.

Michael Thorpy, m. d., Director of the Center for sleep disorders and the awakening of Montifiorovi Medical Center in New York City, offers amazing alternative activity, which may be just the ticket for the loss of some of the unwanted pounds: he sleeps! That's right! Some researchers say sleep that obtaining the correct quantity of decent sleep will support efforts to lighten the load, the skeleton.

The Lancet, one of the oldest peer-reviewed medical journals, published a study carried out by the University of Chicago in 1999, which related sleep disorders, such as the limited sleep about four hours in a period of six nights with the affected negatively the metabolism and endocrine function.

Metabolism is a term used to describe the efficiency of the processing of food in the body, and endocrine functions are involved with the regulation of metabolic processes.

Journal of the American Medical Association also got into the Act of examining affects sleep on hormonal functioning. They found that the age-related changes in sleep were associated with hormonal changes. Endocrine system includes structures that regulate the production of hormones. This study of the relation of its conclusions with The Lancet research and found that the restless sleep patterns adversely affect hormonal functions effectively.

The human body is largely regulated by circadian rhythms. Dr. Joyce Walsleben is Director of the Center for sleep disorders at the New York School of Medicine and author of the manual and the women to sleep: a guaranteed solution for a good night's rest. He writes: "when the disrupt, interfere with hormones, becoming glucose intolerant, you want to eat more and metabolism in animal you or what you eat."

Young people can obtain on little sleep, or at the time to sleep at all because they are often without sleep activity that burns calories. This leads To thinking that sleep is not so important, but as soon as we get a little older, it is clear that we must plan our lives around good sleeping habits, in order to function effectively in our living world.

What's keeping you from a good night's sleep and the release of those extra pounds?
There are many reasons that contribute to good sleep. The main cause of depression. Depression is not well understood by most people, although many people suffer from not withstanding. Depressed people often cannot turn their negative thoughts and it distorts their sleeping habits. There are many precursors into full blown diagnosis of depression, which also negatively interfere with sleep patterns.

Things such as stress, anxiety, reprocessing, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, encouraging, such as pills, and so on. What should also be considered as are environmental factors such as light and excessive noise. Your body is light receptors in the skin and in the light of these receptors signal in the brain that is not the time to sleep. However, it seems that some day the sleepers and light exposure must not hinder their sleep.

Some people will use substances such as alcohol, drugs or, rather, to sleep, however, are not good solutions. Is there a dynamic revival influence that will interfere with the chemically induced sleep. This reflection effect comes into play in a few hours after falling asleep after drinking in this relaxing drink. Alcohol or other sleeping disappear agent and the person wakes up and will have even more problems with falling asleep. In addition, if alcohol or other means, or 8 hours of sleep, you wake up, in all likelihood very tired and not update because important dream phase or deep sleep phase was a conflict with.

It is interesting that until very recently, it was known that the lack of sleep would cause all kinds of behavioural and emotional problems, exactly why that was so, remain a mystery. Some of the studies mentioned, here are some that will lead to resolving this ambiguity.

The question to be answered: How can we ensure O'neill?
First, make sure that there are no medical reasons that contribute to sleep. If there are health reasons, make sure that these problems are properly treated. It also applies To all existing psychological problems.

One method to ensure reliable sleep patterns is to make sure that the sleep regularly in the same time every day. It is to go to sleep at the same time and at the same time every day. If you wake up in 6 hours on weekdays, sleep on the weekends. To obtain the same amount of sleep each night. Find out how much sleep suits you best. Don't take NAPS during the day, if it is not a regular habit. When adopting action plans to ensure that more more than 30 minutes at the most. 15 to 20 minutes are well known power nap times.

It is also important that your sleeping space in a special place. It must be safe, special place only sleep or sex. The bedroom should serve as your Office/living/kitchen/dining room/etc.

Quiet room. The dark and cold and just go to bed when you are sleepy.
And then there is exercise. All you've heard it so many times, and he rises to power always seems to be almost impossible. It is the inherent paradox of exercises and both are good! First of all the exercise gives you more energy. That's right, work, and you feel better and more energized. On the other hand beat your body physically will enhance your sleep!

Get rid of unwanted thoughts that to sleep. Easier said than done? Well, Yes and no. one "trick", has shown many people write their unwanted thoughts. On one side of the paper, left, make a note of the problems that are interfering with sleep. On the right side of the paper note of possible solutions. This exercise helps to give, what do you mean outside of you. Studies have also shown that this technique is often used by people who are in the solution of commercial problems, is known as the incubation of your dreams. In this way the dreams of the problem/s, and in their dreams, to find a solution.

Great dreams is that anything is possible, and new ideas can be explored, leading to possible remedies.

And finally: don't bother to get some sleep. If you can't sleep, get up. Do something relaxing as read. Watching TV is not appropriate, because it tends to stimulate the system too much. Stay awake until the eyes close involuntarily. Don't look at the clock, take your focus away from sleep.

Dr. Rene Hollander is the author of how to sleep from the unwanted pounds. Http://www.body-philosophy.netwrites for

In addition, they spend their time and research to improve health.

