Let's face it. sleep is essential for life!
Sleep is even better, it has increased anabolism (synthesis of cellular structures) and reduced catabolism (breakdown of cell structures).
What it means to you is more muscles.
Have you heard the term "you don't grow in the gym, to grow up in the gym." Part of good sleep. It is not only a recovery, but that's where your muscles to repair themselves.
Sleep Stages::::
Currently, scientists divide into two basic types of sleep: REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and NREM (non-REM).
And within these types, are 5 defined phase of sleep, stages 1 to 5.
Did you know that Non-REM (phase 1-4 sleep) is 75-80% of total sleep time? It is also in these stages that your body repairs itself and if there is a real growth.
The optimal amount of sleep::::
American studies linked with the amount of life interfere with sleep and found that sleeps 4 to 7 hours, who live the longest, rather less than 4 or more than nine hours live shorter lives [1]. The National Sleep Foundation, however, argue that 8 hours of sleep is optimal, improve performance in our tests, reduced the risk of accidents and better immune system. It is important to mention that it shall not apply to children and young people, especially children, which require as 13 hours in the night.
The importance of optimal sleep::::
First, some theory of sleep sleep describes as a dynamic time for healing and growth of organisms. For example, during phase 3 and 4 or slow wave sleep, increase levels of growth hormone, and changes in immune function.
Non-REM sleep may be the anabolic State marked physiological processes of growth and rejuvenation of the organism's immune, nervous, muscular and skeletal systems.
But what happens when you have enough sleep?
Lack of sleep::::
This is a list of potential problems associated with lack of sleep or sleep deprivation.
sickness reduced the ability of the irritability of the keel, the immune system to get rid of the disease increase in high blood pressure Aching muscles faster aging slowed reaction time dizziness
All of these reasons, you can see that it is extremely important for your goals of building muscle and fat loss. Lack of sleep really to put the lid on its progress.
Short bouts of sleep deprivation may not stifle your profits, but in the long term sleep problems can certainly dismantle the progress.
Although not a single number that works for everyone, typically 4-7 hours would most people under most conditions to build muscle and burn fat.
It is true that some people need more, and some people need less.
:: Sleep Tips for getting the rest of you::
Here's a few tips for a healthy and restful sleep.
Sleep when sleepy-there is no reason to go to sleep or trying to sleep, if you are not tired.
If, within 20 minutes you cannot fall asleep until they are tired and try again. Don't lie to hours awake.
Sleep no more than 20 minutes and is certainly not too late in the day, as will be the way to go to bed later.
Get up and go to bed at the same time every day. It is on the weekends. Load sleep routine and stay with her.
Refrain from exercise 4 hours before your regular bedtime. You can do workouts in the morning and late afternoon, but if you drill too close to bed time, you basically just woke up alone. It will be harder to go to sleep quickly, if you're just your blood flows.
Develop a sleep rituals. Many parents Try to calm down their children 20 minutes or more before bed. This article provides for a relaxing time frame before bedtime. Whether you have to relax before bed.
Use only the bed for sleeping.
Stay away from stimulates 4-6 hours before bedtime. This includes alcohol, nicotine and caffeine.
Have light snacks before bed.
Have a hot bath 90 minutes before bedtime. Some studies have shown that the decrease in body temperature will leave you feeling sleepy. The bath you get warmed up and cooled. This decline may leave to sleep and it's a reassuring ritual just before heading to bed. Hot/warm shower also goes.
Ensure your bed and bedroom are quiet and comfortable. It means the place where the contributing to sleep.
One sleep "secret" you can take action, within 45 seconds she opened her eyes in the morning, immediately increase your energy by solar set your biological clock. When light hits the skin, it starts to destroy the melatonin. The faster you can get rid of melatonin, the less you feel groggy after waking up. The first 15 seconds, you can either open a window and get some Sun or you look near the bright light when it is dark outside. Helps you quickly wake up and get rid of that frustration feeling that sometimes you feel.
Needless to say ...
Sleep is very important to get out of our fitness program. There are several advantages to sleep for the simple fact that does not have the necessary for life. It is the long-term effects of sleep deprivation, which will interfere with your goals.
And clearly when you sleep, your body is growing and the form of exercise you stimulate the growth of muscles. This means that it is essential to your overall progress.
1. the experts call the study links sleep, the length of life. http://Archives.CNN.com/2002/Health/02/14/Sleep.study/index.html
Marc David is a bodybuilder and author, for the beginners guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding. You can obtain information on Mark 's. (e) : books on http://www.The top is Marc Bodybuilding.com-free e zine, visit http://www.JustAskMarc.com