Actually there are only a few areas of the health of perpetuating myths, more than the area of health. Under some of the more popular myths, I listed and why they are absolute nonsense.
Myth # 1: Sleep means just resting
The Truth:
Sleep is much more than just a rest period; It is the base time for the body to carry out routine maintenance, creation of long-term memories and repair the damage of your day. Get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every day ensures that your body and mind will work even on the second day.
Myth 2: sleep is a passive event
The Truth:
Sleeping is not passive. The brain may be more active during sleep, dream, than it is in State up. Although the metabolic activity during sleep, a dream is high, it is necessary in the rejuvenation, restoration of memory and feel fresh.
Myth 3: the more dream, the more I'm tired.
The Truth:
Well, it is recognized that dream sleep is important for the rejuvenation and feel fresh. All my dreams, even nightmares, are good for the people.
Myth # 4: the loss of hours of sleep.
The Truth:
When less sleep than you need, the ability to perform certain cognitive and physical activity is greatly reduced. Sleep loss creates time to develop. With sleep debt may interfere with hormones that monitor your appetite, change your mood, and increases the risk of long-term illness.
Myth # 5: you can learn how to sleep less.
The Truth:
There is absolutely no way to "train" with less sleep. Research has shown that restriction of a person to a mere 5 hours of sleep per night for weeks, will strongly influence the performance, impair judgment and cause mood swings. The studies in the late 1980s, linked chronic sleep debt with depressive disorders.
Myth # 6: the NAP are wasteful.
The Truth:
The NAP are a great way to catch up on lost sleep. After dozing people can complete the cognitive tasks, which are much faster and feel. The NAP are also an excellent way to train someone to sleep faster, which is very useful to anyone insomniawith. It is worth noting that the dormant for more than an hour, or after 3 pm may make it difficult for her to go to sleep at night.
Myth # 7: is there something like sleep "Catch up".
The Truth:
Simply put, if correct, 7 to 9 hours of sleep, accumulating. This weekend, it would seem the ideal wake up later to catch up on lost sleep. However, it is much more effective and to develop a healthier daily plan, which will allow you to single 7 to 9 hours per night.
Myth # 8: Snoring is normal and indicates the State of deep sleep.
The Truth:
It is not surprising to know that snoring is very common, frequent snoring may be indicative of a very serious sleep disordersp. If someone complained on the consistent snoring, or noticed that you have a little breathing during sleep, you may have fallen victim to the disorder sleep apnea. It would be very wise to head to sleep specialist for evaluation of sleep. If you have sleep apnea , there are many successful treatments, which may help you sleep better and feel more during the day.
Myth # 9: Children with less sleep becomes more tired.
The Truth:
Children have very different metabolic rates than adults. If you think that your child stay awake, that the tyres on the upcoming trip, etc. .. Think again. Children without sleep tend to create excess adrenaline and eventually more vigorous, even the hyper active from lack of sleep. Successfully associated sleep deficits in children with ADHD (Hyper activity disorder attention). Children with sleep apnea , moreover, have been linked to poor school performance and lower the sports and health activities. To put it bluntly, children need an incredible number of quality sleep.
Myth # 10: Older people need less sleep.
The Truth:
Older people tend to less sleep than young and middle-aged adults, but that doesn't mean that they need less. The fact is that older individuals require the same amount of rest as the rest of us, only older people may not be able to easily achieve due to the lower levels of melatonin was circulating in the blood. That is why you can see older people more NAPs all day because their bodies are trying to make up for lack of sleep during the night.
There you have it. My first list of the Top 10. If you have other myths that need unnatural, is to leave a comment, in which the website insomnia treatment of mine (look for the link in the signature), and I'll play the myth buster and test his theory. As with the sleeping, , insomnia a lot of the most popular treatments are also based on pure myth, so you know. My mom said that well informed well armed, and when it comes to the treatment of string long, sleepless nights, she was right on the money (my mother, it seems, is always on the money). So the next time someone tells you that you should go to sleep, run around naked in the woods or bathe in the engine oil, changes to my site for the spread or catch fire. :)
Irene Mckay worked sleep research field for ten years, in clinical studies, designed to assist with the quality and quiet sleep, for persons suffering from chronic and transitory insomnia. Operates a research and treatment of web Insomnia name where critiques and explains sleep optimization and the different treatment of insomnia.